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Walters Has A Problem with Dying


domgreg208.373 years agoHive.Blog2 min read


We've been introduced to Jennifer Walters before, but the end of last year saw a premier issue of The Immortal She-Hulk hit the comic book store racks. This issue was filled with "Thens and Nows!" Walters is having a problem with finding her place in the scheme of things, especially as the She-Hulk. She is definitely a better communicator as Jennifer Walters than she is as the She-Hulk, but her green persona allows her to handle life's frustrations better. After helping her subdue Tantrum, Wolverine allows Walters to pick his brain about her situation. Informing her that the island of Krakoa is a safe place for Mutants, Wolverine reminds her that while Tantrum is one, she is not. Over a beer, they discuss rising from the dead.

Inviting Thor to work out with her, Walters begins picking his brain for information. Thor surprises her with the revelation that although she has cheated death a few times, nothing is forever. What?! Immortals can die! Thor was very candid about knowing that his day will come when he will be no more.

Walters remembers being shot by the mob. Knowing her life was over, she remembers pulling through after her cousin Bruce, The Hulk, donated his blood to her. She was never the same since then. She also remembered dying at the hands of Thanos and how insensitive Tony Stark was at her bedside in the hospital. She remembered being murdered by the Cotati, who invaded Earth with plans on wiping out the Galaxy. The very same insensitive Tony Stark believed that the Cotati had noble reasons for being on our planet.

Written by Al Ewing and drawn by Jon Davis-Hunt, this issue of The Immortal She-Hulk maintains the same horror movie atmosphere that I love about the more recent issues of The Hulk. Of course, the basis of both of their origins is based in science fiction. Her last encounter in the story is with Sam Sterns, who insists that she is not immortal. However, there is a Green Door that is available to her for now that allows her to come back! Needless to say, it won't be there forever!


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