Nick Fury & The Good Monsters
In 2005, Marvel Comics published a miniseries entitled "Nick Fury's Howling Commandos," utilizing Keith Giffen as the writer for their #2 issue. Combining for the artwork were Eduardo Francisco, Rob Campanella and J. Tai. Due to the nature of the storyline and its complex characters, the artwork became too busy at times, making it difficult to read the action graphically. The shapes used to draw some of these beings blended in with their counterparts. There were threatening monsters all over our planet attempting to create havoc, so Nick Fury needed to put together a special team based on one simple premise. The only way to battle monsters is with monsters! He must have watched too many Godzilla movies.
He had enlisted the likes of Warwolf, the Abominable Snowman, Gorilla Man, the Glob, Nina (Vampire By Night), the Living Mummy and Zombie, among others. Fury is also attempting to get Clay Quartermain to take over their fortress known as Area 13. It is taking Quartermain some time to come to terms with this strange team. Within the first few pages, we get to experience how hard it was to take down Groot. After all, Groot's camouflage skills come naturally.
Of course, with so many different creatures trying to work for a common cause, their personalities sometimes get in the way. Once I got past the busy artwork and was able to distinguish the different characters, the premise of this story became very entertaining. As these creatures are brought back to life, it became clear that this is the reanimator on steroids. A much larger problem is on the horizon for our reluctant heroes, though. Merlin has just been revived!