Marvel's 85th
Recently, "Marvel 85th Anniversary Special" #1 hit the stands with Ryan North, Iman Vellani, Sabir Pirzada, Alan Davis, Priest, Yuji Kaku and Steve Skroce all contributing their storytelling talents. Creatively working stories in by having them told by a tour guide at the Museum Of Heroism, many artists such as Dean White, Stephen Byrne, Rachelle Rosenberg, Carla Pagulayan, Jason Paz, Morry Hollowell, Bryan Valenza, VC's Joe Caramagna and Kaare Andrews contributed their talents as well. I felt the same way after reading this issue like I felt after seeing the Blue Man Group for the first time. I didn't know how I felt.
Taking place in the 85th Century (say what!), this museum is able to utilize holograms to reenact the stories. The era of heroes is dead and way in the past at this point in time. However, Wolverine and Deadpool's head enter the tour pretending to be fans that are having fun with Cosplay. I guess these two heroes didn't get the memo that announced that their era is finished. The tour guide makes a major mistake in his monologue that Wolverine picks up on.
With an evil plan in motion, somebody is bound to get hurt as the movement of the museum is on the agenda. If no heroes were here to step up, this island wouldn't be able to decipher between good and evil unless they were historically old enough to remember the actual heroes protecting the world and beyond. There also appeared to be a bit of wokeism sprinkled in to some of the stories. Much of the confusion in this issue was never explained. Instead, it was just taken for granted.
