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Death Of Banner


domgreg209.25last yearHive.Blog2 min read

Another great Brian Michael Bendis story came in the form of Civil War II #4 in 2016. Assisting him with colors and artwork were Justin Ponsor and David Marquez, respectively. I wonder if Bendis' excellent reputation for laying down compelling stories were the reason he was always surrounded by accomplished artists. Just the use of a red light setting in certain panels or the darkness of a conference room were exceptional techniques.

Captain Marvel heads into She-Hulk's room at the Triskelion, the Ultimates' Headquarters, upon hearing that She-Hulk has awaken from her coma. What Marvel has to tell She-Hulk isn't good news! Bruce Banner has just been murdered by Hawkeye. It all began when Ulysses started predicting the future. The reaction to his predictions made the heroes take opposing sides as to how to go forth into the future.

Ulysses told of a vision about the Hulk becoming very destructive in the wake of the upcoming apocalypse. Iron Man couldn't remain passive upon hearing this and went to confront Bruce Banner with a team of heroes which eventually led to the final conflict between the Hulk and Hawkeye. Hawkeye was able to hit his shot before Bruce Banner turned into the Hulk. A jury acquitted Hawkeye at the murder trial considering his actions as "assisted suicide." Banner's own fight with his demons must have been brought up during these proceedings.

Meanwhile, Tony Stark has discovered some interesting things about the brain of Ulysses. Even Stark's proclamations can't make Captain Marvel stand down. Therefore, it has to be hero versus hero!


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