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The Winter Soldier takes revenge - Epic photos in Just cause 2


dnagameroficial574.553 months ago6 min read




Cover created in Photoshop with screenshots from the video game
  Hi guys welcome once again to another of my virtual adventures, lately in different video games I have lived impressive experiences in terms of weather and natural settings ranging from deserts, beaches, mountains and I have even stepped on alien lands, but what is totally new to me is the snowy climate of the poles that cover the mountains.

And then I found this gem of a video game with which I managed to fulfill my dream of virtually visiting the snowy poles, but not before going through a few striking if not amazing situations in the process.


Above you will see a screenshot in which I show you a few settings I made to improve the quality of my photos, mainly I removed the HUD or statistics to have cleaner shots, it's an option I'm using for the first time!



My trip to the poles of Panau was direct and fast, as I was in a helicopter breathing the fresh air until a few missiles exploded in the air causing turbulence, the problem is that my partner slipped and plummeted into the void, so I had to be quick to catch him in the air.


I aligned my body to gain speed in the air to catch up with the fallen soldier.


After helping him and taking out a GPS from his backpack, I opened the parachute and while it depended, I found it curious that the video game started in a similar way to the first installment, that is, jumping from the air, the only notable difference is that the weather here is undoubtedly freezing.


And with a landing worthy of a Marvel movie and with an almost superhero maneuver I touched the dense snow at last.



![separador gamer.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/dnagameroficial/23tb8WzoyLpXs7TprFTAXgM5LNquqwQNU1fTyyAa7hsnReGS9JLm1MtxwQz1LDqtABif5.png)

I loved that first impression I had when walking through the snow, that detail in which I left my footprints marked while I could hear the hum of the icy storm. Contemplating and enjoying the environment, I felt like the master of the mountain range, but I should not forget my purpose here to follow.



This was the first enemy soldier to fall, I was stealthy in the process.

Speaking of purpose, now I have to get out of that place, but not before taking revenge for the damage they caused to the helicopter and all the misdeeds they plan to do in Panau with those powerful weapons they keep at this nearby base.
A special and necessary function is that of a flying hook on my arm, which will help me to transport myself quickly. And as I put it into practice, I wanted to bring out its full potential to take epic photographs as I took to the skies.


To add a little warmth to this mild weather I blew up a few barrels of fuel hahaha I made the enemy soldiers get up from their cozy warm beds.


Using the powerful flying hook I propelled myself to the top of the building and made my own, one of the moves I love is to make my enemies fly through the air and then shoot them in the air, all very epic.





By the way, this picture I took caused me a great impact, I took it while I was cleaning the base, I let an enemy soldier say last words before pulling the trigger, I think it may seem a cruel scene at first sight, but when you know that these soldiers want to take over Panau the perspective changes completely.

Also, this was a symbolic photograph that inspired me to make the decision to put the title of "Winter Soldier in this publication", because I was so lethal that I was able to destroy the enemy base under the dark and cold night.


My rescue came early, so it was time to say goodbye to the temperate mountain ranges, however, before boarding the helicopter I did a few pirouettes to photograph them better.

First, a leap of faith XD...


Then a parachute maneuver to avoid falling down the hill (which by the way I fell twice trying hahaha).


And to top it all off, the power of my flying hook to cling to the floor of the helicopter, I hope I didn't scratch its paint!





But wait I said, far away in the snow I saw a gigantic monument, I couldn't leave without capturing this moment, I thought!


But wait, I said, far away from the snow I saw a gigantic monument, I couldn't leave without capturing this moment, I thought! Posing next to this big statue I took the picture, if you are wondering who is that man on the monument, well he is basically a tyrant who has plans to rule this paradisiacal place called Panau.


After appreciating this gigantic piece I began to knock it down with my powerful machine gun, I must not leave traces of a tyrant, even if it is his statue.


Closer up I stood next to what was left of the statue, so you can get an idea of how colossal it was before I knocked it over.






As final words I really want to clarify that this trip through the snowy poles was fun, I discovered a few game mechanics that in no other I had been able to appreciate and above all I fulfilled the fact of being able to visit and touch snow even in this virtual world. I will bring many more pictures soon, as this video game has the potential to do so, thanks for watching and reading!
Requirements to play:

OS: Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core® 2 Duo 2.6GHz or AMD Phenom X3 2.4GHz or equivalent
Memory: 3 GB of system memory
Hard Disk: 10 GB of free space
Graphics: DX10 compatible card and 512 MB of memory
(nVidia GeForce GTS 250 series / ATI Radeon HD 5750)
Sound: 100% DirectX 10 and Dolby Digital 5.1 support
DirectX®: Microsoft DirectX 10.1

Translated with: DeepL.com

All images were captured in the video game.




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