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'Struggles of the voiceless' Art Work! #creative-sunday


dlmmqb1.9 K20 days agoPeakD4 min read





My magical pencil and spiral notebook were in front of me again, but my creative hands felt heavy today. If the world can't see the sorrows of Palestine, what difference could one more artwork make? Am I the right person to highlight this, or should I ignore it? Even if I decide to draw attention to Palestine, what would I create? What message would it convey? As usual, my mind was filled with more questions than answers.

If you're not familiar with the history of Palestine, I recommend reading:

“The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” by Ilan Pappé

Many people might think the conflict started on October 7, 2023, but Palestinians have been suffering long before this Hamas attack. I am not the wisest person, but I see Hamas as part of the people fighting for control over the land. On my Twitter, I shared a detailed video explaining why I think this attack was done to justify more violence and control over the land. Similar things happened on 9/11, and even now, there are different theories. I am not here to prove one right and the other wrong. I am just sharing my point of view, which is against the killing of any human, no matter who they are.

  • Plan D (Plan Dalet)
  • Nakba (The Catastrophe)

These are important to understand the reasons behind my artwork.


This time, I wanted to draw a face. The face I had in mind was Madara Uchiha. I didn't want to draw him exactly, but I wanted to show his power in my artwork. I started with a lightly sketched circle in the center, with two lines intersecting at the circle’s center. Just drawing a circle wasn't enough to complete my artwork, so I followed my gut feelings to see what I would come up with in the end.


After completing the head shape, jawline, neck, and shoulders, I felt more confident. I believe the facial features will be symmetrical because of this structure. This technique is called the Loomis method.


At this point, I could turn the drawing into anything my mind could imagine. I decided to create an image with scars and an eye not just shedding tears, but blood. This shows the character crying with blood coming from his eyes. I drew scars from the left to the right side using strong, straight shaded lines. The blood looked as I intended. I added some extra touches following my intuition. I covered half the face similar to Kakashi, resembling an injury. Then, I showed how the character is silenced by drawing lines near his lips and jawline.

I don't know if the final result is someone suffering in Rafah, which I initially intended. To me, it turned out to be someone who is as strong as Madara Uchiha, has past emotional injuries like Kakashi, and whose role and status keep his mouth shut against injustice. The messy lines forming the shape of his hair represent his inner thoughts and demons, disturbing his mental peace by constantly reminding him of the world's events.

Now that it's finished, I see it as more than just raising awareness about the Palestine issue. It represents everyone who remains silent when something happens in the world.

What do you see in this image? Let me know your point of view. Do the messy hair lines look bad, or do they add a unique touch to my abstract art style? I need your feedback to slowly improve my future artworks. When recommending a technique or something to fix, please mention a YouTube video where I can learn the technique or at least use the proper name of the methods. Thanks for spending time with me and my artwork.


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