Scovillain ex, Special Art Version Pikachu ex, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf + More Pokemon Cards
Hello. Here is another Pokemon TCG post by me. I cover many cards like Scovillain ex, Special Illustration Rare Pikachu ex, Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf.
- Rellor & Rabsca
- Wo-Chien
- Capsakid
- Scovillain ex
- Feebas & Miltoic ex Art Cards
- Uxie
- Mesprit
- Azelf
- Pikachu ex Special Illustration Rare
- Clemont's Quick Thinking
- Scramble Switch ACE SPEC
Rellor & Rabsca
Rellor is a Basic Grass Pokemon with a low 40 HP and two attacks. The first attack of Collect requires one Colourless Energy to draw one card. Its second attack costs one Grass Energy to do 10 damage. (The translation is wrong as it says 20 damage instead of 10 on the card image.)
Rabsca is the evolved form of Rellor. It has 70 HP, one retreat cost and two attacks. The first attack is triple draw which allows you to draw 3 cards. Twist Ending is the second of Rabsca. It has a base damage of 40 with an additional 200 more damage if you have 3 or fewer cards in your deck. This requirement of having 3 cards or less in your deck is difficult. I think someone out there will try to make a deck based on this card.
Wo-Chien is a Basic Grass Pokemon with 130 HP, three retreat cost, Fire weakness and two attacks. Greed Hazard is the first attack. For one Grass Energy and one Colourless Energy you do 20 base damage. If you have 3 or less cards in your deck then this attack does 120 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. The second attack of Whip requires two Grass Energy and 1 Colourless Energy to do 130 damage with the drawback of discarding 3 cards from your deck.
I would personally stay away from this card from a gameplay perspective.
Capsakid is a 70HP Basic Grass Pokemon with one retreat cost and a not so good attack. You do need Capsakid in order to get to Scovillain ex.
Scovillain ex
The previous Scovillain ex was a Grass type Stage 1 Pokemon. This version of Scovillain ex is a Fire type. Its ability makes this Scovillain ex both a Fire and Grass Type. You can hit oppponent's Pokemon as a Fire type of as a Grass type. This dual typing is nice if you are hitting for double damage from weakness.
The Spicy Rage attack requires two Fire Energy for 10 base damage. For each damage counter on this Scovillain ex you do 70 more damage. Combine this Scovillain ex with Magma Basin to get 150 damage (10 + 70 x 2) from 2 damage counters on it. I think this card is a very dangerous attacker and will see some play.
Combine this Scovillain ex with Magma Basin, the Gengar below and Damage Pump to put damage counters on Scovillain ex. If you get 5 damage counters on Scovillain ex then you can hit for 360 damage which one hit knockouts pretty much anything.
Uxie is one of the Lake Guardians in the Sinnoh region. This Uxie has 70 HP, one retreat cost and one attack. The Painful Memories attack places 2 damage counter on each of your opponent's Pokemon. The damage output from this attack is not very high but I can see this being used in some sort of combo. I have not thought of some combos here.
Azelf is another Lake Guardian Pokemon. This Basic Psychic Pokemon also has 70HP and one retreat cost. For one Psychic Energy and one Colourless Energy you do 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on your opponent's Pokemon. I think the phrase opponent's Pokemon refers to all opponent's Pokemon.
Mesprit is another Lake Guardian Pokemon. Unlike Azelf and Uxie this Mesprit has two attacks. For one Colourless Energy the Heart Satisfy attack allows you to attach up to 2 Psychic Basic Energy from your hand to your Pokemon in any way you like.
God Burst is the second attack. It does 160 damage only if you have Uxie and Azelf on your Bench. This requirement of having Uxie and Azelf on the Bench is not too difficult with Buddy Buddy Poffin being a staple card in the F, G, H regulation format. Getting two Psychic Energy onto it could be a little tricky though and 160 damage is not that high to knockout Pokemon ex or Pokemon V.
Mesprit has an illusration rare version.
Pikachu ex Special Illustration Rare
In a previous post I did go over Pikachu ex. I did not cover the Special Illustartion Rare version of the card. This one is quite colorful, cute and vibrant. Here it is.
Clemont's Quick Thinking
Clemont's Quick Thinking is a Supporter card tailored for Lighting Pokemon. Heal 60 damage from each of your Lightning Pokemon. The card effect here is short and simple.
The healing effect from this card is better than most healing Item cards. I just don't know if this is worth a Supporter Spot in a Lightning or Miraidon ex deck. If you find yourself having multiple Lightning Pokemon being damaged then this Supporter card can be helpful. There are too many attackers out there that have one hit knockout power or can hit for 200 damage, 220 damage. Common HPs in Lightning decks are 200 HP from Raikou V, 220 HP from Miraidon ex.
Scramble Switch ACE SPEC
Scramble Switch is an Item ACE SPEC card. You switch your Active Pokemon with one of your Benched Pokemon and then you can move as many Energy attached from the old Active Pokemon (the one that got Benched) to the new Active Pokemon.
I like the Switching effect plus moving Energy around. I don't know if this card is good enough for that ACE SPEC spot. There are more powerful ACE SPEC cards like Prime Catcher, Sparkling Crystal, Unfair Stamp, Secret Box, and Hero's Cape