Scorbunny, Raboot & Cinderace ex Cards From Pokemon's Stellar Crown
Hi there. Here is a Pokemon TCG overview of the cards Scorbunny, Raboot & Cinderace ex From the upcoming Stellar Crown set.
Scorbunny is a 70 HP Basic Fire Pokemon with one retreat cost and Water weakness. It has only attack which is Quick Attack. It does not do much damage as it is 10 plus 10 more damage if you flip heads.
Although this Scorbunny is not too threatening you do need this for evolving into Raboot (Stage 1) or to Cinderace ex with Rare Candy.
Raboot is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon that evolves from Scorbunny. It has 90 HP and one retreat cost. The first attack of Low Sweep costs one Fire Energy and does 30 damage which is not too bad. Its second attack is not good. The second attack requires one Fire Energy and two Colourless Energy to do 60 damage. The energy cost is too much on the second attack.
Raboot Illusration Rare
Raboot has an illustration rare version. This one shows Raboot in a colourful manner with it playing with a ball. The colours and art style look nice. I estimate this to be priced at least 8 CAD.
Cinderace ex
Cinderace ex is a Stage 2 Tera Pokemon of the Fire type. It has 320 HP, zero retreat cost, Water weakness and it evolves from Raboot.
Both of the attacks from Cinderace ex are somewhat costly. The first attack of Flare Strike costs one Fire Energy and two Colourless Energy to do 280 damage. Cinderace ex cannot use Flare Strike again during the next turn (unless it moved to the Bench). The second attack of Garnet Volley costs 3 Energy in the form of one Fire, one Fighting and one Dark Energy. Garnet Volley's attack allows Cinderace ex to do 180 damage to one of your opponent's Pokemon (Active or Bench). Note that weakness and resistance does not apply to attacking Benched Pokemon.
Cinderace ex's attacks are costly in terms of energy but there are ways to accelerate energy to Cinderace ex. A combination of Magma Basin with the Crispin Supporter card allows for Fire Energy acceleration to Benched Fire Pokemon from Magma Basin. Then the Crispin Supporter allows for attaching one Basic Energy from the deck to a Pokemon in play plus retrieve one Basic Energy from deck to hand.
There is also the supporter Mela. Mela allows for Fire Energy acceleration conditional on one of your own Pokemon being Knocked Out from the previous turn. Then you draw cards until 6 in hand.
Pros Of Cinderace ex
- Free retreat cost
- Compatible with Magma Basin for Fire Pokemon and Crispin Supporter
- 280 Damage is good for knocking out Pokemon VSTAR and second attack allows for bench sniping.
- Water weakness
- High Energy costs for the attacks.
- Stage 2 Pokemon, Difficult to get into play as you need Rare Candy or multiple turns with Raboot evolution.