Pokemon TCG - Vikavolt From Japan's Stellar Miracle Set
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Hi there. This is a short Pokemon TCG post featuring the Vikavolt card from Japan's Stellar Miracle set. As more news comes out of Pokebeach.com, I create more Pokemon TCG posts along with some math, education posts.
Grubbin Card
Grubbin is a 70 HP Basic Grass type Pokemon needed to evolve into Charjabug and to its final evolution of Vikavolt. The attack of Ambush costs two much energy for little damage.
This Charjabug is a 80HP Lightning Pokemon that evolves from Grubbin. Note that in the game Charjabug is both an Electric type and Bug type. In the Pokemon TCG Bug type can be grass. In addition a Pokemon with two types in the game can take on one type in the trading card game. In this case Chrajabug is Electric instead of Grass (Bug types are Grass).
The attack of Parallel Lineup costs one Lightning Energy. It does no damage to the opponent's Pokemon but it allows you to search your deck for up to 3 Charjabug and put them onto your Bench. You can search for additional copies of this Charjabug or the Charjabug from Temporal Forces (see below).
Vikavolt is the final evolution of Grubbin and evolves from Charjabug. This Vikavolt card is an Electric type with 160 HP and one retreat cost. The first attack is Volt Switch. It does 90 damage for the cost of one Lightning Energy and you switch the Vikavolt with one of your Benched Lightning Pokemon.
The second attack of Sparking Strike does 240 damage with the heavy cost of two Lightning Energy and two Colourless Energy. With a big attack cost and Vikavolt being Stage 2 it is difficult to use this attack.
The other Vikavolt from Temporal Forces (see below) is a little easier to use as the energy costs for the attacks are lower. Combine the Charjabugs from above with the other Vikavolt for better synergy. I don't see these cards being used much in the competitive scene. The energy costs are high and the damage output is not scary high. Electric decks are dominated by Miraidon ex with Raikou V, Raichu V and Iron Hands ex as attackers.