More Main Cards From Pokemon Japan's Night Wanderer Set
Hi there. Here is another Pokemon trading card game post. This is based on the news of the full reveal of the main cards from the Night Wanderer set in Japan.
These cards will be released in English internationally in August as a part of the Shrouded Fable expansion.
I cover the cards that I have not covered yet in the previous posts.
- Joltik & Galvantula
- Tapu Bulu
- Houndour & Houndoom
- Sneasel and Weavile
- Revavroom ex
- Drowzee & Hypno
- Sylveon
- Croagunk & Toxicroak
- Absol
- Cufant & Copperajah
- Varoom
- Meowth & Persian
- Eevee & Furfrou
- Stufful & Bewear
- Power Hourglass Tool Card
- Night-Time Academy Stadium Card
Joltik & Galvantula
Joltik is a fragile 40 HP Basic Pokemon needed to evolve to Galvantula. The attack of Splashing Dodge does 10 damage with a flip effect. If heads prevent damage and effects done to Joltik next turn.
Galvantula is a 100 HP Stage 1 Pokemon with one retreat cost and Fire weakness. The ability of Compound Eyes lets Galvantula deal 50 more damage to the opponent's Active Pokemon if it has an ability.
The attack of Shocking Web cost one grass and one colourless energy to do 50 damage plus 80 more damage if Galvantula has any Lightning energy attached. You can do a maximum of 180 damage if you attack an Ability pokemon and have a Lightning energy attached.
I think Galavantula is an okay attacker but it is hard to set up.
Tapu Bulu
Tapu Bulu is a bulky single prize Basic Pokemon with 140 HP and of the grass type. It has three retreat cost and has only one attack.
This attack of Wood Hammer costs two Grass energy and two colourless energy to deal a whopping 220 damage. The damage amount of 220 one hits a lot Basic exs and Basic Vs in the F, G, H format. You would not be able to knockout big Basics with 230 HP or more but 220 damage is pretty big. The big problem is meeting the energy cost.
As Tapu Bulu is a grass type you can deal double damage against Pokemon with Grass weakness. Stuff like Charizard ex, Roaring Moon ex are weak to this Tapu Bulu.
Houndour & Houndoom
Houndour is a 70 HP Basic Fire Pokemon needed to get to Houndoum. The attacks are costly and not that great.
Houndoom is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon with 120 HP that evolves from Houndour. The first attack of Bite does 50 damage with the cost of two colourless energy.
Its Snarl attack does 100 damage with a cost of one Fire energy and two colourless energy. During the opponent's next turn the Defending Pokemon attacks do 100 less damage. This defensive effect is not too bad in certain situations. The attack cost is a bit much though.
Sneasel and Weavile
Sneasel is a Water 70 HP Basic Pokemon with not so great attacks. You do need Sneasel to evolve into Weavile.
Weavile is a Stage 1 100 HP water Pokemon. Slash does 40 damage for one Water energy. The second attack of Hail Claw does 70 damage for the cost of two Water energy. Hail Claw's effect paralyzes the opponent's Active Pokemon with the draw back of discarding all Energy from Weavile.
There is a good Water support in the form the supporter Irida but there is no really Water Energy acceleration outside of Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR.
Revavroom ex
I think the card designers are really pushing for Revavroom to be good. The metal Revavroom ex from Obsidian Flames was not great but this one is not too bad.
This Revavroom ex is a Stage 1 Pokemon ex card of the Lightning Tera type with 280 HP, one retreat cost and Fighting weakness.
The first attack of Accelerating Flash costs one Metal Energy with a base damage of 20. If Revavroom ex moved from the Bench to the Active Spot this turn then Accelerating Flash does 140 damage instead. If you can get 140 damage then this Revavroom ex can one hit Water Pokemon up to 280 HP or anything with Lightning weakness up to 280 HP. This is crazy as you can one hit Lugia VSTAR.
Drowzee & Hypno
Drowzee is a Basic 70 HP Psychic Pokemon with two retreat cost and Dark weakness. It only has one attack that cost one Psychic energy and does 10 damage. The effect is that you can see the opponent's hand. This attack is sort of useful in the early game.
Hypno is a Stage 1 110HP Psychic Pokemon with two retreat cost and Dark weakness. It only has one attack that cost one Psychic energy and one colourless energy. This Daydream attack does 80 damage with an interesting effect. If the opponent during their next turn attaches any Energy card from their hand to the defending Pokemon then their turn ends. The opponent can bypass this by attaching energy to a Benched Pokemon and/or attach energies from card effects.
Sylveon is a Stage 1 Pokemon with 120 HP of the Psychic type. It evolves from Eevee.
The first attack of Mystic Return is a coin flip effect attack. If heads then you shuffle 1 of the opponent's Benched Pokemon and all attached cards to it back to their deck. This effect is kind of powerful if you get lucky.
Disarming Voice as the second attack does 90 damage plus confusion for the cost one Psychic energy and two colourless energy. This attack cost is a bit much I think.
Croagunk & Toxicroak
Croagunk in the game is both Fighting and Poison. In this one Croagunk is a 70 HP Basic Pokemon of the Fighting type. The attacks are nothing too crazy. You need this to evolve to Toxicroak.
Toxicroak is a Stage 1 130HP Fighting Pokemon that evolves from Croagunk. The first attack of Corkscrew Punch does 50 damage for two colourless Energy. The second attack of Clean Hit costs one Fighting and two Colourless Energy does 90 plus 90 damage if the opponent's Active Pokemon is an Evolution Pokemon.
This Toxicroak can one hit Arceus VSTAR but the attack cost is a bit much.
Absol is a 110 HP Basic Dark Pokemon with one retreat cost. It has one attack that cost one colourless energy. This makes Absol splashable in decks that run non-Dark Energy cards.
The attack of Bad Fall does 20 damage as its base. It does 50 more damage if you have 3 or more Dark Energy in play.
Cufant & Copperajah
Cufant is a bulky 100 HP Basic Pokemon of the Metal type. It has three retreat cost and costly attacks.
Copperajah is a single prize Stage 1 Metal Pokemon with a bulky 200 HP. It has four retreat cost, Fire Weakness and Grass resistance. Its ability of Gargantuan Body is a nice denial ability. The opponent cannot play any Stadium cards from their hand if Copperajah is in the Active Spot.
Copperajah's attack of Nose Lariat does have a high attack cost of three Metal Energy and one colourless energy. It does 130 damage with the option of 100 more damage. If you choose to do 230 damage then Copperajah cannot attack next turn. 230 damage is a good amount to one hit knockout many Basic Vs and Basic exs.
Even thought the attack cost is big, you can use Metang's Metal Make ability to make it easier to meet the attack cost.
This is another Varoom in the Scarlet & Violet series. The attacks are not great. I think the Varoom with drawing a card is the best one if you need a Varoom with Revavroom ex.
Meowth & Persian
Meowth is a 70HP colourless Pokemon with one attack. Fury Swipes requires two colourless energy to do damage between 0 and 60 damage based on three coin flips. The attack does 20 damage for each heads.
Persian is a Stage 1 110 HP that evolves from Meowth. It also has Fury Swipes. You flip three coins and for each heads you deal 50 damage. So that is 0 to 150 damage. The second attack of Slashing Claw does 100 damage for the cost of three Colourless energy. The attack costs are kind of high to my liking. If you get lucky you can deal some okay damage.
Eevee & Furfrou
Eevee is a 70 HP Basic colourless Pokemon with not so great attacks. You do need Eevee if you need to evolve it to either Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon, Glaceon or Sylveon.
Furfrou is a basic 100 HP colourless Pokemon with only one attack. For one colourless energy you do 30 damage and attach one Basic energy card from discard pile to one of your Benched Pokemon. It is an okay attacker for the early game only.
Stufful & Bewear
Stufful is Basic Pokemon with 80 HP with one attack. Take Down does 30 damage and 10 damage to itself. If this had 70 HP it would be more playable with the Buddy Buddy Poffin requirement of 70 HP or less.
Bewear is a Stage 1 Colourless Pokemon that evolves from Stufful with 130 HP. The first attack of Power Charger costs one colourless energy for 30 damage + Energy Search to Bewear.
The second attack of Hammer In does 130 damage for three colourless energy. It is an okay attacker for a single prizer but there are better attackers out there.
Power Hourglass Tool Card
This Power Hourglass Tool card is quite interesting. If the Pokemon this card attached to is in the Active Spot then at the end of your turn you may attach 1 Basic Energy card from your discard pile to that Pokemon.
Pokemon attackers like Chien-Pao ex, Raging Bolt ex, Raichu V and Radiant Greninja that discard Basic Energy cards from the field may want to consider this Tool card for energy acceleration and recycling. I think this Tool card will see play in certain decks.
Night-Time Academy Stadium Card
At first glance I thought to myself why put a card from hand to the top of your deck. After several more minutes I thought of some possible use cases for this Stadium card.
There are cards in this F, G, H format that have card effects that involve the top card of the deck.
Electric Generator
You can use the Night-Time Academy stadium to put one electric energy from hand to the top of your deck. Then use Electric Generator as it is guaranteed that you get one Electric energy from deck to Benched Electric Pokemon.
Gutsy Pickaxe
Gutsy Pickaxe is similar to Electric Generator but it provides Energy acceleration for Fighting Energy.
Magcargo ex's Attack
You can use the Stadium card to put one Energy card from hand to the top of your deck. Then you use the attack Ground Burn to do at least 280 damage to the opponent's Active Pokemon. The con to this strategy is that this attack is costly as it requires two Fire Energy and one colourless energy.
Metagross & Emergency Entry
Metagross from Silver Tempest has a rare ability of Emergency Entry that activates if you draw it from the top of your deck at the beginning of your turn. Once drawn at the start of your turn you may put Metagross on your Bench (ignoring evolution) and draw 3 cards.
This combo is really specific. It could be good in practice but I don't know.
There is also one play where you can put a Professor's Research or Boss's Orders to from hand to the top of your Deck. This guarantees that the next card you draw is what you want. This is a defensive play against hand disruption cards like Iono, Judge or Unfair Stamp. Saving a Boss's Orders for the next turn can be a game winning strategy.