Kingdra ex and Crobat Evolution Lines Plus More Cards From Japan's Night Wanderer Pokemon Set
Hi there. In this Pokemon TCG post I cover the cards from the Kingdra ex evolution line, the Crobat evolution line plus some more cards that are revealed from Japan's Night Wanderer set on May 23, 2024. This post is long as there are a lot of cards here.
- Horsea
- Seadra
- Kingdra ex
- Zubat
- Golbat
- Crobat
- Dangerous Laser ACE SPEC Card
- Nightly Stretcher Item Card
- Cassiopea Supporter Card
- Janine's Secret Technique Supporter Card
Horsea is a 60 HP Basic water Pokemon. The attacks are nothing too crazy but you do need this as a starting point to get your way to Kingdra ex. The illustration art version of this card is quite nice. That could be at least a 8 CAD card upon release.
Seadra is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon that evolves from Horsea. The second attack of Sharp Fin is not great but the first attack can be good. For one Water energy the Call For Backup attack searches your deck for 3 Pokemon, reveals them and puts them into your hand. If you do not get hand distrupted from something like the popular Iono Supporter card then you can evolve Pokemon quite easily in your next turn.
Kingdra ex
Kingdra ex is a Stage 2 Water Pokemon ex card with 310 HP, one retreat cost and Lightning weakness. It is the final evolution of Horsea and evolves from Seadra.
Kingdra ex's first attack of King's Order allows you to put up 3 Water Pokemon from the discard pile onto your Bench. You can retrieve powerful Water Pokemon like another Kingdra ex or Baxcalibur and bypass the usual evolution process.
The second attack of Hydro Pump does 50 more damage for each Water energy attached to this Pokemon. If there are two Water Energy attached to Kingdra ex for Hydro Pump then the attack does 150 damage. In the F, G, H regulation block there is Irida the supporter card which is super helpful in searching for a Water Pokemon and an Item card like Rare Candy. The problem is right now it the lack of Water energy acceleration. Palkia VSTAR is one obvious choice for Water Energy acceleration from discard pile to board and there is Baxcalibur a Stage 2 Pokemon to accelerate Water Energy from hand to in play. These two do take some time to set up and there are not many other Water energy acceleration cards out there. Getting Hydro Pump to attack for good damage is not really possible.
From looking at Kingdra ex I am not sure if this will be good. Electric weakness is a bit of a problem as Miraidon ex Electric decks are kind of popular again to counter Dragapult ex. The attack numbers are not great for one hit knockouts. Let's see how this card works out upon release.
The picture below shows the illustration rare art of Kingdra ex. It looks pretty cool.
Zubat is a 50HP Basic Dark type Pokemon. The second attack of Darkness Fang is not great. Its first attack of Lead is not too bad in the early game. You can search your deck for a Supporter card and put it into your hand. If your hand does not get disrupted in the opponent's next turn then you can draw more cards through Professor's Research or set up a knockout with Boss's Orders.
Golbat is a Stage 1 80 HP Dark Pokemon that evolves from Zubat. The attacks are okay given their energy costs.
Crobat is a Stage 2 Darkness Pokemon with 130 HP and a zero retreat cost. Its attack of Toxic Fangs requires one Dark energy and one colourless energy to do 120 damage and additional Poison damage of 2 damage counters in between turns instead of one damage counter.
Crobat' ability of Shadow Envoy allows you once during your turn to draw cards until 8 in hand. This is conditional on if you have played the supporter Janine's Secret Technique (see later in post) from your hand during your turn. This draw ability is good but it is not easy to get Stage 2 Pokemon out in play.
ACE SPEC Card Dangerous Laser
This ACE SPEC Dangerous Laser card is an Item card that causes your opponent's Active Pokemon to be Burned and Confused. The opponent can easily use a card like Switch to switch out their burned and confused Pokemon to safety to the Bench. This ACE SPEC card is not very good and could be the worst one. The ray gun art kinda looks nice I suppose.
Nightly Stretcher
This is a simple Item card where you choose one of two options. Option one is to put 1 Pokemon from the discard pile into your hand which is quite powerful. Option two allows you to put 1 Basic energy card from discard pile into hand. This option two is a weaker version of Energy Retrieval where you can pick up a maximum of two Basic Energy cards from discard pile into hand. I think this Nightly Stretcher card will be used a lot upon release. Most decks will use one copy of this card, maybe two or more.
Cassiopea Supporter Card
Cassiopea is also the character Penny under a different name.
This Cassiopea Supporter card is one of those Supporter cards that only can be used if this is the last card in your hand. Once the condition is met you can search your deck for any two cards and put them into your hand. Then your deck is shuffled.
In theory you can use this card to search for two cards like a Counter Catcher and one Energy card for a final knockout. The two cards can be a Mew ex or a draw supporter to go from a small hand size to an okay hand size like 4 to 6 cards. The double search effect is quite powerful. I don't know if this would be in every deck but I think it is good in certain decks that tend to have low card counts in hand.
Janine's Secret Technique Supporter Card
Dark Pokemon are getting additional energy acceleration upon the release of this Supporter card. Janine's Secret Technique is a powerful Dark energy acceleration Supporter card that attaches one Basic Dark Energy card each from the deck to a maximum of two Dark Pokemon. The drawback is that the active Pokemon that receives a Dark Energy from this card gets Poisoned.
- Very good Dark energy acceleration to Dark Pokemon
- Compatibility with attackers that benefit from being Poisoned like Okidogi ex
- For Dark decks only.
- Can be a dead card if no Dark Pokemon attackers or need cards in hand.
There is a full art version of this Janine card. Is her forehead too big?