A day in Toblach exploring the surroundings
It's been a while, sorry about that. I really miss writing here, but for a bunch of reasons life always gets in the way and I find it difficult to stay consistent and make writing a daily activity and a priority. Still, I feel great when I write and share my bike touring adventures with you. This year, I want to focus on doing more of what feels right and in tune with me, and be more present here. Last year, I discovered a whole new set of amazing spots along the EuroVelo 7 route that I would like to show you this year, so let's ride 2025 together! But before that, let me finish sharing the 2022 trip I started telling you about in my previous posts.
It was a chilly sunny morning of mid September in Toblach when I suddenly realised that my time of bike touring for this year (2022) is close to an end and I should do a reality check and come up with a plan for my return to the base. Just to put things in perspective since it has been quite a long time since my last post, I started my tour in Verona and decided to ride north towards the Alps following the EuroVelo 7 route.
I already had my return flight booked in 2 days time from Treviso, so with this objective in mind I should come up with a solution to get there on time. This all seems a bit complicated now, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out once I grab a cup of coffee. Let’s go get one!
Indeed the coffee helped with the return plan. As I was looking at the map and to that strudel and back to the map I noticed that I actually made it close to the Austrian border, which now explains how good the strudel was.
While sipping at my coffee and admiring the scenery a train just passed by and suddenly all made sense to me. I said to myself that is no point of continuing touring into Austria just for a day considering I still need to return to Italy the following day and catch the train back to Verona to return the rented bike, which for sure will take me some time in transit. So instead, I decided to relax, ordered a second coffee and just checked the surrounding area on the map for a while. Doing so I discovered a lake nearby with lots of reviews and another camping near it which all inspired me to change camp and go there to discover the beautiful nature around me for my last day of bike touring on EuroVelo 7 this year.
Let me show you around.
Indeed camping Olympia is a 4* camping considering all the facilities, services offered, cleanliness, prices and location. I liked it here and would recommend it to all my fellow travellers in transit.
Now let's get closer to them, shall we?
Here, there is a junction of two routes: EuroVelo 7 (Sun Route) which I followed so far and Munich-Venice route which traverses the Dolomites. Will take the Venice route south towards the Toblacher See which is just couple of km away.
Camping Toblacher See is perfectly situated near the lake and offers everything you would expect from a modern camping for a fair price of 25 EUR/day, stunning views included.
I propose a walk around the lake first.
Considering it was still early, around noon when I finished the lake tour and impressed by the beautiful nature around me, I decided to explore the area a bit further upstream towards those magnificent mountains in the back.
It started raining soon after I arrived at Lago di Landro, so I began searching for a place to take shelter and noticed a restaurant just across the road that seemed like the perfect spot to be right now.
And it surely was considering I also had a fabulous lunch while waiting for the rain to stop.
The new refreshed atmosphere and those mountains in the distance kept calling me to get closer which is exactly what I did after lunch when the sun came out.
Here at the border of Trentino-South TyrolI with Veneto I decided to stop my exploration and head back to the camping cause it was getting late. I’ll definitely return to cycle in the Dolomites one day – it's a must-do.
Here the scenery is always changing based on the weather and time of the day.
So, I've got a bit off track the main EV7 route for my last day of touring in the region but it was well worth it. It was by chance that my days of touring ended exactly here close to the border, otherwise I would have simply continued along EuroVelo 7 towards Austria and missing the opportunity to experience these breathtaking lakes and mountains up close and really savor life, which is exactly what Discover EuroVelo is all about.
Until next time,
©Discover EuroVelo
All photos were taken with my iPhone 11 and Sony DSC-HX60V camera.
EuroVelo, the European Cycle Route Network are registered marks of ECF asbl.
I have no affiliation with EuroVelo or other organisations mentioned here, I am just a traveller sharing his bike touring trips, views and opinions.
EuroVelo is a network of 17 long distance cycle routes connecting and uniting the whole European continent totaling over 90,000 km of cycling itineraries.
