The belt symbolically separates the upper part of the body from the lower and, apparently, the higher from the lower in a person.
The belt is intended to connect, bind. According to the Bible, "girdling" is a sign of readiness for change: for the road, for the struggle, since the belt closes the circle around the camp, thereby separating the upper body from the lower, the belt is a magic circle, it protects, protects, and it also keeps a person within certain limits, the boundaries of the manifested world. In a sense, the belt binds the body and soul into a single whole..
“Unbelted” corresponds to such a state of a person when nothing restrains him. Having removed the belt, a person, as it were, goes beyond a certain edge of the manifested world, ceases to be bound together. According to the old custom, the belt was certainly removed when fortunetelling. When the deceased was buried, the belt was usually unfastened so as not to prevent the soul from leaving the body and going on a journey to the afterlife.
The belt as a symbol of masculinity we find in Scandinavian myths. The god Thor possesses a magical belt of power that makes him invincible.
And of course, the belt is an essential attribute of the owner, gentleman, artisan or master (often to which tools were attached)
Hans Biedermann - “Encyclopedia of symbols”
Collection of articles Symbol language
Series "Interesting about the important"