
The Minimalist In Me


deraaa1.7 K2 years ago5 min read


Work is a must in the life of any human. As for me, I'm most fulfilled and happy at my place of work. Whatever I do or wherever I am, as long as there's a call of duty, I meet and exceed expectations to the best of my capabilities.

The Minimalist in me

As I have pointed out that work is something I look forward to daily, this also means that I find ways to make it more enjoyable. Over the months, I've cultivated the minimalistic approach to what I do. Of course, I've had to be exposed to all kinds of management skills to understand what works best for me.

I've also learned in my time working that a healthy mind and body is essential for this. I've learned the meaning of not letting emotions rule over logic. That's the truth. When I work, I've entered my element and I have to work with not just my heart but my head as well. I have to follow my guts and use my number six.

Making a lot of mistakes in my working experience has taught me a lot. I apply the long term approach to whatever I do. And just like I was telling my friend @josediccus today, I would like to be a stay-at-home mom someday. This is because I would love to be present in every aspect of their(my children) lives.

Now that one vision has been identified amongst others, I realized that I had to start cultivating the habits from now. As they say, charity begins at home.

So in what areas of my work do I apply the minimalistic approach?


Rest is important. As I came to find out that I can only function like a human being after 5-6 hours of sleep, I try to sleep anything before 12am. The truth is, I'm also a morning person. At 5am, my eyes open on their own and when I have slept for less than stipulated hours, I get cranky and snarky. I become passive aggressive and this affects my working relationship. I also have migraines or constant headaches that make me lose focus. So to avoid those, I sleep early.

Planning/To-Do list

My mind runs faster than a cheetah. I can have several thoughts running through my head at once and this hinders my productivity as I seem to be blown by every wind. To prevent this, I come up with my to-do list for the next day every night before bed. I have a notebook and my phone is set with alarms.

Once a task is done, I tick it with "✓" and move on to the next one. My close family have come to know me as a really meticulous person. I always like to think about all the possible options and follow instructions to the latter. So when I make a list, unless circumstances prevent it, I follow them to the "T".

Quality & Time

Many might say that my temperament has a lot to do with the fact that I have high standards but it's not completely true. I believe in excellence; whatever you do, do it well. This is why I have another notebook where I plan my content for the week (I'm using Hive as an example). To not be overwhelmed, I have columns in that book that has date, day, Community and topic.

I do know that there are people who can produce great written content twice a day but I'm sort of a perfectionist and I can sit for three hours on one post. I like to give it my all. So in essence, I don't bite more than I can chew.

Exercise & Diet

A healthy body is wealth. A small dose of exercise daily can really do wonders for not only the body but mind too. It boosts confidence and releases certain hormones like dopamine and oxytocin (among others) that improve our daily lives.

When we exercise (as much as 30 minutes daily), the body is fit but the mind is fitter. We see clearer and we think cleaner. I don't know if it happens to others but exercising helps cleanse my thoughts especially yoga. Meditation does great wonders for me.

So does eating right. I learned that N50($0.12) worth of fruits daily is better than N700 ($1) worth of junk. So I eat fruits daily and also make sure to include protein in my daily meal. Hehe.

Space & Home duties

I love a clear space. I've said before that I hate clutter. When a place is stuffed, it gives me a headache. Which is why my priorities start from home. On my to-do list, putting my house and workspace in order comes first. This way, I don't have to feel clamped or sore with every move I make.


All this boils down to my mental health. When I set a task for myself and I complete it, I am more energetic and active; productive. I made the decision to identify the things that matter most to me and place them at the top of my list, making them my priority.

I may have missed the deadline. I just realized but I'd already planned for this so...😂. I just have to see through

Lead Image by CottonBro on Pexels edited with Canva Pro



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