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A figment of my imagination


depressedfuckup1.7 K2 years ago4 min read


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I’ve spent an awful amount of time thinking about the topic of a role model. Something I would’ve mumbled a name for in less than a second if you asked me a couple years back. Maybe it’s because I’ve changed and so has the way my mind works.

Woah maybe I went straight to the point too quickly. We didn’t even talk about what a role model is. I assume you know already. Or at least have your own definition or understanding of the word. But if you needed a definition to base what ever I’ll be telling you later in this article, we could use a google definition I guess.

"A role model is a person whose behaviour, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people"source

If you know me at all, you’ll know that I’ll still give you a definition based on my understanding. The layman’s understanding. The me right now considers a role model to not just be someone with the qualities I used to look for when I was younger, but someone I see myself becoming. A little modification.

But this little modification changes the game entirely for me and you’ll understand why soon. Considering the qualities, I’ve realized along the years that to every person I chose as a role model, it was based on a quality I found intriguing about them. I ended up having so many role models because of this. With the little modification I made, I now have someone with all the qualities I want in a role model.

You’ll think this is impossible at first (to find someone that passes every vibe check you have) and you’ll be absolutely right, if you were limiting yourself to the normal. What I mean is, yeah, it most likely will be impossible to find everything in one person. One REAL person anyways. But no one said anything about my role model being a real person. I think you’re starting to get caught on to what I’m saying.

My role model, you see, is no real person. My role model is a figment of my imagination. A projection of who I aspire to be in the future. I mean, I still see people with qualities I like who inspire me, but there are so many I can’t choose one. So, I made one myself using my imagination. I wanted to be a doctor when I was little, so my answer to who my role model was then probably would’ve been the most common or nearest accomplished doctor. But that selection was entirely wrong and primarily based on the accomplishments of the person in question.

What does this fictional role model look like then?

Nothing fancy or extraordinary really. Just all qualities I aspire to have in one person.

  • He is disciplined
  • He commands respect
  • Has a very high status
  • Has "okay" wealth
  • Has good relations with his family
  • Is charismatic

These are just a few of his qualities. You would spend all day reading this if I went into detail on each of these qualities, or even worse, try to list all his qualities. So I won't burden you with all that trouble of reading about a fictional character, I'm sure you get the idea.

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I am @depressedfuckup. The story behind my weird username is in my intro post if you have the time to read. I am a newbie and a content creator on Hive and a Biochemistry student outside of Hive. I write about my present, generally things going on with or around me. Please give this article an upvote and a reblog if you liked the content and leave a comment if you have something to say about it. Thanks for visiting my blog, have a great day!

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