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deimage1.2 K2 years ago5 min read

Hello Hive Learners, how are you today ?, i hope everyone is good and still exciting to following the contest in this community



This 31st week is indeed very exciting with a variety of interesting topics and also very exciting to discuss. And the first edition was very exciting and many participants took part in the contest in the first edition. This time we will enter the 2nd edition in this 31st week. And I'm sure there will be many participants who will join the contest in this 2nd edition. As previously announced, in this 2nd edition we will discuss the things we do to make us fit and healthy, of course we have done this and we have many ways to keep our bodies fit. I'm going to tell you a little about my ways to keep my body fit, so read on.



Our body is an asset that we have and must be maintained, therefore we must live healthy and also maintain our fitness so that our bodies become fitter and not weakened. In a study it was said that someone who often exercised would be more youthful than people who rarely exercised or did not do it at all. This proves that physical fitness is something very important so that it can delay aging. We are certainly often advised to consume foods that contain lots of vitamins and substances needed by the body, it must be combined with regular exercise so that the benefits are felt and if we do not exercise even though we still eat healthy foods and vitamins, everything will become fat because The food we eat will be processed in the form of fat by the body for energy reserves. Maybe ordinary fat can be used as an energy reserve, but excessive and accumulated fat will cause obesity and make the body bear a heavy burden and this will eventually make the body weak. Therefore, exercising to keep the body fit is a balance solution so that everything in our body can work properly.


If it's my habit to keep my body in shape, I usually run around the housing complex that has a sparse circumference of several kilometers. Running actually makes our bodies move and warms up before we do more strenuous exercise. Running also allows us to do cardio and breathing, this is very important especially for athletes in heavy sports such as football, basketball, rugby, and others. There are two ways when we run, such as sprinting and jogging. Sprint is a technique of running as fast as possible over long distances or short distances, this technique is not recommended to be done the first time and before doing a sprint we should jog first for a few minutes so that our heart can adjust its speed. If a person immediately sprints suddenly from a stationary position and before doing any movement for the first time, it will cause some damage in the body and usually in the muscles, heart, and even lungs. This will also tear your leg tendons and make it worse, you will suffocate to death. I once did this because of my stupidity, and as a result I made my joints sprain because of my weakened footing due to not warming up and the sudden high speed.


For me, doing sprints after jogging or jogging for half an hour is very enjoyable. I feel more fit with the sweat that soaks my body. I usually do fast sprints in the middle of a jog and only a few meters I do this to make my muscles and cardio more elastic and less stiff. Sometimes, I don't do Sprints, and I just do a leisurely jog in the park but for a little bit longer time and it's really fun.


After doing sprints or jogging, I just did gymnastics techniques that would be centered on various body parts such as the stomach, chest, thighs, and other body parts. Doing some movement after jogging really makes the body become light and flexible. I usually follow a gymnastic workout program through my Smartphone app for a few minutes and it burns a lot of fat. But usually for those of you who are doing it for the first time, you will definitely feel pain in your thighs, stomach, and even your whole body in a few days and this is a natural thing because our bodies will just adjust to heavy movements.


After all, I just did other heavy sports like playing ball and sports like this really need a good warm-up so that we don't experience serious injuries in the limbs and others. Usually after warming up and so on, doing other strenuous exercise will feel easier and more effective to do fitness and also lose weight for sure. I do this routine every afternoon. Sometimes I also do it every morning on holidays.
That's the routine I do to keep myself in shape, maybe you can copy it if you want. Thank you and see you in another post.


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