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30 October @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2205: no rhythm


deeanndmathews8.3 K8 months agoPeakD5 min read

Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay
“A fool who would mock at both reason and rhyme
Has no rhythm as well, for his life's out of time...”

“That's actually kind of deep, though,” nine-year-old George Ludlow said to best friend nine-year-old Milton Trent as they both listened to the track Milton's 21-year-old brother Melvin was working on.

“It's a bit too deep for me, but that beat goes hard, though,” Milton said.

“Your brother certainly does know what he is doing with the rhythm part – he's no fool, Milton!”

“Well, of course not! I mean, think about it, George – our heartbeat is a rhythm!”

“But that's why that second line is so deep – when your heart stops, your life is out of time.”

“Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?” Milton said. “This must be why Dad says you really have to stop and listen to the words, because that means a fool is basically a dead man!”

“Basically,” George said. “I think we need to get Andrew and Eleanor and Velma to discuss this before dinner.”

“Yeah, and Gracie is going to come put her two cents in either way so I'll go get her too,” Milton said.

Milton's sisters eleven-year-old Velma and eight-year-old Gracie came right away, as did George's siblings eleven-year-old Eleanor and ten-year-old Andrew.

“OK, so yeah, that is deep, but then we know that already,” Eleanor said. “Imagine acting a fool and coming up in here with either Papa, Cousin Harry, or Uncle Sarge on watch. You're a dead man, just like that. Veterans do not play!”

“And, quiet as it is kept,” Velma said, “my mom and that capoeira … that ain't what you want!”

“Grandma and Cousin Maggie don't really look like the type,” Andrew said, “but I heard Papa has taught Grandma how to shoot really well, and if Cousin Maggie hasn't picked up anything from being married to Cousin Harry, she will!”

“But it's even deeper than that, though,” Velma said. “Every day, people come out here acting like there's no god but them.”

All the other children stopped, and then all of them, including Velma, found somewhere to sit down.

“Yeah, no – about to be out of time and all of eternity – no,” Eleanor said.

“The Bible does say, twice, 'the fool has said in his heart, there is no God,' ” Andrew said, “and I thought I was seeing double! But the scary thing is what you just said, Velma. It's not necessarily that they don't believe in God, but that they think that since the position is open –.”

Lil' Robert Ludlow, five years old, came out of the house in a fit of rage worthy of his own grandfather, his little blue eyes blazing.

“Look, Google, since you have a world wide web you gotta hear me – you're not running anything here as long as I am the Robert Edward Ludlow defending this house for right now! Just because you don't know that cinnamon doesn't go in spaghetti doesn't mean we're going to change it over here. You're not God, you're not in charge, and you don't know how to cook! Get your life together!”

“Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?” Milton said.

“Who is out here putting cinnamon in spaghetti?” Gracie said.

“Somebody who as soon as Robert and every Italian in the world catches up with them is a dead man or woman,” Velma said. “Mrs. Lee as an Italian-American is probably in the house passed out from shock!”

“We don't need you out here lying to people, Google! Get your life together! Get saved! Repent!”

“He was really listening to Sunday's sermon,” Andrew said. “I mean, he really takes verbal notes!”

“Why do I feel like a lot of people need to hear that sermon this Sunday, too – I mean, not about Google, but, you know what I'm saying,” Eleanor said.

“Do you think Robert might be a preacher when he grows up?” Velma said.

“I don't think so,” Andrew said, “because you can only preach until you are literally blue in the face so many times before people get tired of that – but a traveling preacher for a revival – oh yeah, he could do that.”

“And another thing, Google – if you're so smart and know everything, how come you have recipes for spaghetti and meatballs and don't even have love in the recipe? Everybody with any sense knows that if there is no love in the food, don't eat it, except you! You're not running anything over here! I will protect this house with every drop of Robert Edward Ludlowness I have until Papa gets back – you're not getting in here with your cinnamon and no love!”

“It's a good thing he's still little Robert, and not Big Robert your grandfather because the folks at Google would be in trouble right now!” Milton said to George.

“And that just confirms that whole song your brother is working on,” George said. “Folks are out here waiting on God to be done with them or Robert my brother to get big, and don't even know their time is already up!”


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