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29 October @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2204: eternal star


deeanndmathews8.3 K8 months agoPeakD3 min read

Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay

“So, is Polaris an eternal star, because I'm confused.”

Eleven-year-old Eleanor Ludlow, her ten-year-old brother Andrew, and eleven-year-old Velma Trent were trying to understand all the stories and analogies around the North Star, and Andrew spoke up.

“Yeah, because some of these people are following this thing like it is Jesus – or calling other people their North Star,” Eleanor said.

“It's also on some clothes, so maybe it's a cult,” Velma said, “and it's a shame because so many of my people escaped slavery by following it north to freedom.”

“So many seamen in my family used it to figure out their way home,” Eleanor said.

“It just goes to show: people will get messed up over anything,” Andrew said, shaking his head.

“But maybe we are missing something – hey, Dad, we need your help, because either we are missing something or there's a new cult going on.”

“What?” Sgt. Vincent Trent said.

“It looks like there might be a North Star cult,” Andrew said.

“Wait, what are y'all reading – I thought Capt. Ludlow and I had checked all y'all's books!”

“It wasn't all in the books, Dad,” Velma said.

“It's a lot of clues everybody wouldn't catch, but you know, we are all being raised really well,” Eleanor said.

“How are you all in on a conspiracy theory and none of you are older than 12?”

“Oh, now this is interesting – what is a conspiracy theory, anyway?” Eleanor said.

Sgt. Trent caught himself … none of them was even 12 … a good conversation about analogies and about how people who were not careful about their history and use of language could get people confused.

“I'm so relieved!” Andrew said when the sergeant finished explaining.

“Turns out it's just because Polaris is situated in the galaxy such that it doesn't appear to move through the sky that much all year, so it is always apparently orbiting the north pole,” Velma said.

“Which is why seamen and the enslaved escaping could use it,” Eleanor said. “It always is in the north.'

“And somebody is using the brand name to seem like the wearers are catching onto the adventure,” Andrew.

“Exactly – now y'all got it,” Sgt. Trent said.

“This is good because we were going to have to counteract all that with all the Southern food we could muster, and it's too close to dinner to be doing all that,” Eleanor said.

“Thanks, Dad!” Velma said.

“Any time, Velma, Andrew, and Eleanor.”


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