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I've been so busy with things around the house I've just haven't had time to post new content. That and the fact that I draw and paint really slow.
This is a timelapse of a piece I did some weeks back. I posted a process video a while back too but it was just snippets of images in stages put together. But I found this while I was sorting out my files and storage, and edited it together. As you can see it's actual timelapse footage from start to finish.
I hope you enjoy the video.
I've been working on these two. Both are fan art.
This one is of Liliana Vess from MtG. But I'm working on a "War of the Spark" design and gritty look, and it's coming out alright.
Of course, this one is of the #sailormoonredraw challenge on IG. I'm going for a anime-realism style with a valkyrie design. It's looking good so far.
- Samsung Tab SM-T805 (Ipad Pro or a Wacom one in my wishlist)
- iBis Painter X
- Infinite Painter Android
- Photoshop Express Android