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Find Peace… it’s waiting for you


cryptopsycho21136.092 years ago2 min read


“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ ‭RV1895‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1922/php.4.7.RV1895

Today’s verse is one of understanding when we realize that we are not in charge. We can find peace at any time in our lives when we look through the grace and acknowledgment of our savior Jesus Christ.

I really think that our society programs us to convince us that everyone us against us and there is no peace available. Things always go wrong and it’s so easy to blame the world…. And sometimes even the Lord.

However, this is an illusion constructed by the adversary. When things don’t go our way, take a break and pray about it. Ask the Lord what He is showing us or what He is protecting us against.

Just two days ago, we had a day that everything went wrong. The one day that my wife didn’t charge her phone and it died. The one day that for some reason, the lid on a bottle of pinesol that we just bought at Costco broke off in our trunk. Communication between the B1 parking and first floor Costco was out. We waisted over an hour trying to clean out the trunk of our car and get some help from Costco. Every time I walked up to talk to the manager, she assured me that people were on the way. When I walked to our car, no one was there. I walked back and forth 4 times trying to get help.

The old me would have opened an attack of swear words after the second walk up and down the stairs. But I kept praying. Not for everything to be miraculously fixed, but to understand what the Lord wanted of me.

Nothing really got cleaned that well, so the drive home was unbearable. I was thirty minutes late for work.

But I found peace by not focusing on the world and the rules that my work insisted on. I truly believe the Lord was working through us for a greater good. Maybe for our family, or maybe for someone involved.

Find the Lord in times if tribulation. He is on your side and he is offering peace, if we only look for it.


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