30 Day Blog Challenge || Day 4 ─ Your Dream Job
This is absurd.
"My Dream Job"
Pffffttt ... I've been sitting here jamming out a pattern with my pencil as I stare at this screen.
(Yes, I hold a pencil in my right hand when I'm at a loss while typing, then I clench my teeth around it if I can't find a toothpick and go ...)
I've had my dream job. All of them.
Woman, wife, mother, poet, priest, and friend -- that is what I am. What I have been:
- Teacher, chef, analyst, photographer, journalist, physician, meta-physician.
- Actress, model, minister, artist extraordinaire.
- Backstage assistant. Director. Editor.
- Dancer, stripper, dog walker, nurse, gallery owner
- Ranger Assistant, research analyst, broker, property manager
I'm a polymath, m'kay?
Embodying a basic tenet of Renaissance humanism that humans are limitless in their capacity for development, the concept led to the notion that people should embrace all knowledge and develop their capacities as fully as possible. This is expressed in the term Renaissance man, often applied to the gifted people of that age who sought to develop their abilities in all areas of accomplishment: intellectual, artistic, social, physical, and spiritual.
My dream job is now. I am writing again. My dream job will become a reality when I can author a book. Just write one darn book. The beginning, the middle, the end. Then another. And another.
Publishing them would be ideal, although not mandatory for my needs. I want to write. Really, truly, write. Thus, my new dedication to #HIVE.
I've found my old postcard featuring Hemingway, just as I began writing this post. I had an entirely different screed planned until I found Ernest again.
He said, "Can you?"
I said, "Yes, but I'm only making pennies."
He said, "Good. At least you have pennies. They add up. Keep adding words to your pennies. Soon you'll have nickels and dimes."
I had originally titled this as "Day 3" -- In truth, it is day four.
May the Fourth Be With You.