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Lost Love


coolmidwestguy1.6 K2 years ago11 min read

Hello Hive friends and readers. I hope everyone is having a fine weekend. My week has been busy and a little hectic. So I will use what is left of my weekend to wind down some bit.

Today I tell you about my 3rd serious relationship with a girl named Nedie. I have already published about this special experience on read.cash. I tell it a little different there though. To take a look at it click below: https://read.cash/@Coolmidwestguy/lost-love-cd1d36b6

This experience is truly my only lost love. So I will tell you how we initially met, a little bit about her, something I knew going in, meeting in person, some fond memories (some not shared previously), and how it ended. I'll also share what happened with her and some of my after thoughts.

How we met

I had recently bought a personal computer (PC) sometime in late 1997. The popular internet craze at this time in the United States was America Online (AOL). One could chat with others through individual chat or group chat.

I don't remember who made contact first. One of us made a user search using one of the platforms tools. More than likely it was me but maybe not. It's been a long time but I know you could search location, sex, age and probably some other information. I'm sure the conversation started with a simple hi because that was just how conversations started there. We ended up chatting thier for a few weeks than talked on the phone I think once before meeting in person.

Just chatting online we found out we have quite a bit in common. The more we chatted the more we seemed to gel. It wasn't long we exchanged photos. I'll admit she was very attractive 😍. She told me that I was handsome 😳

Little bit about her

She had just arrived from the Philippines a few months prior. She stood about 4'10, long hair, and had a slim slender body type. She was working full-time already at a major credit card maker. Nedie worked the mid shift there and was making good income for a 23 y/o.

Something I knew before going in

Alright we talked a lot online prior to meeting in person and she was very honest. Nedie got to the United States by marrying an American citizen. She despised of him from the onset. I remember her showing me a picture of her wedding photo. She looked beautiful but she was not wearing a smile. If you met Nedie you would notice her beautiful smile was missing in that photo.

I never really asked her hard questions relevant to her marriage. I didn't want to see her get emotional over it. When she brought up the subject I mostly listened and gave back empathy and sympathy to her. I often thought her marriage was not by choice. You may ask why continue to start a relationship with someone taken.

Well I fell for her story and we were very compatible. I really wanted to give her the happiness that she deserved. At first a friend approach was on my mind but that just didn't happen. I'll share why in a little bit, I promise. She was a great person on the inside and I never faulted her for being married.

Her husband was in his 70's and worked as a security guard. He worked the grave yard shift so they really didn't see each other often. I'll be honest he looked the age too. He also had a son that was old enough be a father to us. I found out from her he was unable to give her a child. She did tell me they had sex just one time and she described it as disgusting. The husband wanted to get his son involved with being a donor. She was totally against this. Nedie had also told me stories he threatened getting her deported.

Even though I was young I didn't have an aspiration of being with a married women, this was just different. I just couldn't let this young girl keep experiencing sorrow and loneliness.

Meeting in person

Well the meeting place was my apartment. We met shortly after she got off work. She knocked on the door and I opened it. Oh my goodness, I was amazed with her appearance. We both said hi to each other. I immediately offered her a seat on the couch in my living room. She was wearing a white button up shirt, black slacks, and had on a pair of black heels.

I wanted to compliment Nedie on her appearance but she beat me to it. Nedie told me I looked taller and was more handsome in person. I almost said the same thing, haha but I told her she looked better as well. The smile of hers caught my attention it just lit up my whole apartment.Both our eyes were locked onto each other. I'm so glad we had a very comfortable conversation because the eye gazing may have got uncomfortable, lol.

It didn't take me long to realize I can't just be friends with her. That feeling was mutual, I just felt it somehow. Another thing I thought about was her petiteness, I could have swore my hands were as big as her feet. So darn cute, btw I don't remember when but we compared hands sizes and her feet were a little bigger than my hands, lol.

So I'd say she was in my apartment for less than a hour and I was thinking about giving her a kiss 😘. I turned slightly and moved in slightly than came back. I thought I did this without being noticed. Before I knew it her lips were on mine as she kissed me, haha.

I had a very good time with her, yes even without the kiss. I walked Nedie out to her car and wished her a safe trip home. She simply told me good night and to call her soon if I wanted to. I said of course :)


The first memory I will share will be when I visited her work place. This was about two weeks in and we probably seen each other 10 times already. She wanted me to come so she could introduce me to her friend. She did tell me a little bit about of her friend.

I met her during her lunch break which was only 30 minutes. I initially thought maybe I would get drilled with questions by her friend. It was not the case, it was more of a show and tell I think. I didn't mind, if anything it showed she was fond of me. Her friend was all smiles back to Nedie. So if it was for approval I passed 😂

The next memory I will share is when she spent the night at my apartment for the first time. She knew it was to time to leave. She told me that she really didn't want to go home. I looked at her and said she could stay if she wanted to. The look on her face was priceless. You would have thought she was recognized for some prestigious award, lol. She immediately questioned if I was sure and than gave me the warmest hug I had ever received. It was also the first time she said, " I love you." Nedie left the next morning when I went to work.

The last memory I will share was similar to the last one but so much more to tell. She spent the night again but this time when Nedie woke up she looked tired. I told her she could stay and sleep if she wanted to. She agreed and asked if I was coming home for lunch. I told her yes and that I was just going to have some left overs in the fridge. So I head off to work.

I headed back to my apartment from work. The first thing I noticed coming into the building was the smell of food. I lived on the third floor.

I opened the door and there stands Nedie with a huge smile. I made you lunch she said. I don't remember exactly what she made but there were a few veggies and pork served with steam riced. The food was delicious and she made more than enough.

My apartment was also spotless, she cleaned for me as well:) I was impressed and I noticed she brought some pans and other things from her place. She told me she got up right after I left. She cleaned right away and then went home to get food and some things to cook with.

Before my lunch hour was up I called into work. Nedie didn't go into work that day either. This was by far the most time I have spent with her within a 24 hour period. Often we only shared a few hours together when we seen each other.

I had a lot of good memories with Nedie. That girl would have done anything for me. We always were pleasant with one another and we never even had a single fight. I can say I have never felt so loved by anyone else. I feel a bit of shame because I didn't show my feelings for her. I did this because part of me worried about her being married. I guess I feared something bad could happen to me. I may have hidden some feelings but I definitely felt them. If there is such a thing as a perfect girl friend out there she was it, too bad she was married.

Our last day together

I got a phone call from her number. I answered it and it wasn't her but her husband. He asked, " Bob how do you know my wife?" I hang up in a panic and felt like my world had been tipped upside down. I did hear her in the background saying, "Don't, give me phone back."

First thought was what if he finds out and contacts my military unit. It would surely affect my career. The other thought was he owns a gun. What if he came after me? Both issues were very concerning to me.

She arrived at my apartment not long after. She came to me and said she was so sorry. I told her that I knew she was. Next thing I did was tell her we have to end our relationship. I told her it's not her fault. I did mention that her being married and her husband knowing was the reason. It was hard thing to do but I felt I had no choice in the matter.

It was my hardest break up I ever did. She was very understanding and only said good things to me. She mentioned that she has no regrets meeting me and will never forget our time together. To be honest she was the right person for me but at the wrong time.

What happened with her

Well I admit I kept track of her after we ended our relationship. I didn't try to contact her or accidentally try to run into her. I would sometimes search for her through the internet. I prayed a lot for her to find happiness. It was about 5 or 6 years later after we last seen each other I found out she got married. I was really happy for her that she escaped her marriage and got to choose someone for herself. Her new husband is very close in age and I'm sure he is nothing like the old one. I don't know for sure but I highly believe she has a few children.

I also found out her ex husband passed away this last November at the age of 95. Looking at his obituary he married again and his wife was the same age as Nedie. I'm guessing by seeing her name in the obituary she was Filipina too.

After Thoughts

When I was with Nedie I was always happy. She was never a nuisance, never questioned my attentions, and was basically there for me all the time. There is a lot of what ifs with her. I think to myself I had to let her go and just wish only the best for her. I'm assuming she is happy now and rest assure that makes me smile.

I don't really have regret because I believe she is happy now. If only I had met here at a different time. Well to conclude, Nedie you are my only lost love. How I wonder if I hadn't lost you.

If you have read this far I really thank you. I know it's a long read and I even left things out. Take care, be safe, and until next time.


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