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Bandits Creep and Crawl and Scavenge to Defend. Dystopian poetry and ai art.


concreteshallows37.832 years ago2 min read



These are two poems about dealing with bandits trying to steal our newly found scavenged supplies one night.

Bandits Creep and Crawl

In the night, when all is still,
the bandits creep and crawl.
They want to rob us of what we've found,
but we will not let them take our supplies.
We are fighters, and we will not give in.
Our blades are sharp, our wills strong.
We will fight until the end.
For what we've found, and for our home,
we will never let these bandits take it away.


Scavenge to Defend

When I found the supplies, I knew they were meant for me.
The bandits came in the night, seeking to take what was mine.
With a fire in my heart and a knife in my hand,
I fought them off and kept what was rightfully mine.

Though they outnumbered me and were armed with guns,
I would not give up without a fight.
In the end, I emerged victorious,
the only one standing amid the blood and carnage.

Now I must guard my prize day and night,
for others will surely come to take it from me.
But I won't give up without a fight—
I'll die before I let them have what's mine.



This was a poetic tale from the city of Lazarus, A dystopian metropolis half sunken in the sea, along with ai art created with stable diffusion / Midjourney ai browser applications, inspired by the words of the poem. War and climate change took its toll on this and every other city we know. This is one of many short tales of a young woman ("the narrator") and her daily life surviving in the ruble of the modern world.
I am adding individual poems to a collection that I plan on eventually publishing into an ebook.

Thank you for reading.


💔Here are a few links to some of the other poems about the dystopian City of Lazarus:


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