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Greetings from Your Old Friend


clayop415.792 years agoHive.Blog

Hello there!
This is clayop. I left here since the disharmony between Korean-Justin(Steem) and the rest communities(Hive). But I sometimes recall memories with you guys.

Here in Korea, I am working in a university as a assistant professor, teaching students with urban planning and blockchain, and also offering my efforts for the growth of blockchain industry. (I especially thank to @arcange for supporting my paper with HiveSQL. That is super awesome!)

The key of Steem, Hive, whatever is a community. My old friends are here. I can smile when I see the frontpage here fulfilled with many exciting posts and project announcements. I wish a great success of Hive and many of my friends here.

I will drop by when I can. If you want to contact me, please DM via Twitter @clayop (I am on the Hivechain discord too, but barely check it)

Best regards,


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