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Inside My Fridge: An Update on My Small Business


cindee081.7 K23 days agoPeakD3 min read

Hello dear friends on Hive!
How was your second day of March?
I was supposed to write a blog yesterday to welcome the first day of the month, but things got pretty busy with my small business; I even forgot to power up and join Power Up Day. My bad!


Here's a glimpse into my week balancing being a stay-at-home mom and a small-time entrepreneur. Putting up a small food business from home has definitely brought changes, especially to our kitchen—our fridge, specifically! It once stocked our own frozen meat and is now filled with products for sale. To ensure quality and prevent contamination, I no longer store meat or any products for our consumption in our freezer. I've switched to buying fresh meat daily for our family. It was a bit of an adjustment at first, but it's become part of my routine.


Yesterday started with a surprise: a bulk order of 20 Graham bars to be picked up! I wasn't expecting such a large order so early, so I hadn't checked my inbox. I noticed the message an hour late, but thankfully I was still able to prepare the order in time. The customer even left a positive review—it's her fifth time ordering this much, which is incredible!


After that transaction, I relaxed, thinking I was done for the day. But then orders started pouring in! I quickly sold out of the chocolate flavor, and other flavors were running low. I had to get to work immediately to prepare a new batch, so they'd be frozen and ready for tomorrow.


I've added a few new flavors to give them more choices. But our classic mango and cookies and cream are still the best sellers.



I've always had a feeling this Graham bar thing was just a phase, you know? I figured people would get tired of it eventually. So, I've been trying out new things! This week, I sold kani rolls, fruity jelly desserts, and ice candy. I've even had people asking for fresh lumpia again, but honestly, I'm not feeling it. Making those egg wrappers from scratch takes forever! For now, I'll ride the trend while it's still selling so well.


I'm hoping to introduce brownies and banana bread to my offerings next week, but it will depend on my schedule. My two children are busy with end-of-year preparations, including project deadlines, upcoming exams, and other school requirements. Naturally, my children's needs are my primary concern.


Supplies are fully restocked for next week, and the fridge is full!

A lot has changed since I became a mom. My goals used to be all about building my own life and career, but you never know what life will throw at you. One thing I've definitely learned is the importance of financial independence, regardless of the amount. It's empowering to wake up each day knowing I'm building something for myself.

May this March bring you abundant blessings and the strength to overcome any obstacle. Let's remember to celebrate our victories, both big and small, and embrace the abundance around us.

Thank you for reading!
See you on my next one!

All photos are my original work, and some are posted on my personal Facebook account for business purposes.
The lead image was edited using Canva.


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