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Day #45 and I am ALIVE on the HIVE


chocolatescorpi771.654 years agoPeakD5 min read

Well hello there to you all you happening and happy #Hiveans out there.
I hope that you're all doing well today and that you are safe and well from the numerous issues that plague humanity these days.

Day #45 for me as I #ThriveOnHive on the #HiveBlockchain as #HiveIsAlive in the wonderful community with such beautiful people that the gorgeous @ErikGusstafson know by all far and wide as @Flaxz who created this great community that is growing with love and appreciation every day and if you want to know more about how to join in and share your life, your dreams, hopes, fears and gratitude with a home full of like-minded people, the check out Erik's original post here. https://peakd.com/hive-100421/@flaxz/glmrrjya

So now that I have registered with Actifit, I am now really accountable to you all, not just myself, so while I was doing my daily QiGong and dancing, I had a chat with my fat and we came to an agreement. I won't bore you with the details, but essentially, my fat has been banished! (again- we seem to have this conversation every few months...)

Anywayyyy here's a pretty (colourful) photo so you can actually see how much I have actually tried over the last few months....with a couple of slack days here and there...AND as I am known as the Chocolate Scorpion, there is obviously a reason for that- the chocolate part anyway.....and if I told you that I have not eaten one single piece of Cadbury's Chocolate since the 18th March, you might believe me- BUT I know that my friends wouldn't!
But truly I have and my flatmate still can't believe it.

I am a person that LOVES chocolate so much, it is as important to me as air... ( A chocolate a day keeps the murder charges away...lol...🤣😳😂.....)

For those of you who don't know Cadbury's brand of Chocolate- it is both heaven and hell wrapped up in my favourite colour purple.....😱😱😱😱😱😱

I'm not saying that I have given it up- not completely, I have just changed the way I eat it- I make my own chocolate sauce using Raw Cocoa powder, hot water and a combination of Stevia, Monkfruit and Raw sugars and then I put it in the fridge and use a couple of tablespoons of it in my fruit smoothies every morning for breakfast, which not only gives me the sugar hit and that chocolate happy feeling, but also wakes my brain up as I don't drink coffee or tea- EVER, so I have been good.


And now, to bore you no longer with my battle of the bulge and the war against wonderful chocolate, for the #IAmenagedchallenge tonight, as I joined yet another community last night- the #OCD community and I would like to introduce you to @inalittlewhile who has written this great post about how powerful the Hive is becoming with so many incredible people championing the #HiveBlockchain and you can read his post here https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@inalittlewhile/the-incredible-mobility-of-hivers

And then if for some bizarre reason, you don't believe that post, then read @shadonchandra post here too https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@shadonchandra/my-hive-testimony-the-way-to-write-a-perfect-testimony-for-hive

And then another very INSPIRING post here is by @elgeko who has created a competition for all of you #Hiveans to create a soundtrack to the animated #HiveLogo that he made here https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@elgeko/hive-ad-creativity-contest

And then I also found this in the #OCDCommunity that you might be interested in too @hivehealth https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@hivehealth/hivehealth-weekly-reports-2020-08-15 and their HUGE Good Read's list here too https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@hivehealth/the-daily-good-read-list-2020-qf33cn Bookmarked to read tomorrow and hopefully I have time to get to them all!

And then last but not least is this very insightful article from @newton666 with his The science contained in lightning a subject that still fascinates all of us for the power, the beauty and the danger contained in lightening which you can read here https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@newton666/the-science-contained-in-lightning

I actually remember years ago, catching a bus from Newman in Mid-North Western Australia (it's a freakin HUUUUGGE state) down south to Perth and its flat open desert and on the way there was a storm all around us and the lightening was striking from the sky vertical down to the ground in a 360 degree circle all around us and it was coming down as fast as the raindrops. And and you can see it from literally 100's of Km's away...Wish I had've had a camera then. I am talking about 1996, so no mobile phone camera then.... Actually I did have a small 35mm film camera (which I stupidly left in San Francisco in 99 full of photos...), so maybe one one of my many boxes full of thousands of photos, I might be able to find a photo for you...sometime...in the future...
Anyhow, it was THE BEST. LIGHT SHOW. EVER.

And now on that note, I am going to upload today's actifit so you can see how much fun I had.

Goodnight, stay safe and be well and thanks for reading.
I hope that you enjoyed my post tonight. 😀

I actually hope that you guys enjoy my posts every night....😊


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