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Getting beat down a la Negan style


chefbgob58.123 years agoPeakD5 min read

This past Sunday was a big event for us in Pathfinders Hell's Rebel module. "Dance of the Damned"..

Our gm even dressed up for it.. black ruffles shirt and eye liner, loved it. We had lots of food for this was going to be an all day event.
So we find out the big bad evil guy(bbeg) was having a ball room event. Not that but there was rumors his event was suppose to blame us,the Silver Ravens, on heinous events.
The building was had multiple levels.. which means things were happening everywhere, not just the main room.

So as a reminder.. my character is a druid.. I'm not skill built.. I'm just support with a DPS dinosaur 🦖. So while the ball was happening.. you could dance(perform).. interact/distract.. enjoy the food while being judgementally watched.. and etc etc
Now remember I'm not alone, so there's others also doing actions. We are gathering info, altering factions, and trying to keep face for the towns people.
Time passes and then an event happens a dance contest. We don't have a Bard but some of the group have minimal skills.. so we enter in.. and I like to just say
This is where we kiss our @$$3$ good bye 😅😩. The dance was a distraction and tried to make it contestant end up fatigued or worse. The Lord mayor and Nox appears,and then the bbeg started to narrates what's going on. Classic baddy move. 🙃

And he disspells the illusion trap and BAM! Holy crap a bone devil.. look at those stats, FARK. And he played in it dirty.. hooh man.. it wasn't a us versus the devil. He had hitmen thought the building. Foot soldiers in the main level attacking guests. There was a assassin on the 3rd floor WITH flight and a +1 flaming great bow hailing fiery death down on us... And oh if you saw the little corner room with my painted kitty I made.. actually was 3 cockatrice. They were let loose, YAAA FUN!

Ok so back to "bone daddy".. this guy hurts because we failed on his fear aura.. so what good are DPS team mates if they run from targets? Not a lot,ugh. So while the slayer and pets/summons are feared.. my druid cast iron stake and hurls the magical metal at bone daddy and hits and blood comes out. Which it shrugged off and said I'm coming for you. "Greeeeaaaattttt...", I said while half the party was feared and the other half tried to evacuate citizens out. Things are going chaotic in this ball room blitz..

. Damage dice are ringing hit massive hits.. Steel and claws are slashing away at targets..Cure potions are being drunked like it's a two for one ale sale at the dwarven bar .
While they mayhem ensues.. the bone devil teleports to attack! And I was oh fuuuuuu in I'm dead.. and the DM says yes.. and he place the bone devil in a new spot.. and I clenched awaiting the outsider to finish me.. and it didn't happen. Instead during the chaos he set up a trap and men combo to put our summoner in a confined area.. which sucks but ok not bad...but now bone daddy appear in the area. Which feared his eidlon and then they just Neganed the caster.
And that poor man drops instantly, which was the plan. See if the summoner goes unconscious, his eidlon returns back to it's plane of existence. So I do what I do.. https://youtu.be/CzJRx3vaApA I gave death a fighting chance. I said "role play this scene with me .." and he looked at me curiously and nodded.. Kraven sees his comrade falls and let's out a beastly howl and charges at the bone devil and pounces! The bone glances at you and a twinkle is in it eyes.. " roll to see if you save versus fear." "7" "Your mighty charge at the unholy stops and you begin to quake and panic, hahaha!" And your turn is over.. so slayer you are now up to dig... "Wait... Free action..!?!?" And I get a https://media.tenor.com/images/1b62f1f316436eb71ac1024ee70c414b/tenor.gif ..

This was my Oscar moments.. "Kraven already started to trembles and reaches into his pocket.." and I pause.. everybody is like alright er MFer what you got ?! "Kraven pulls out his fist and flings a shiny metallic object in the air and in an old language of tree pasts says "Jaguar Mother of the Green, guide you children!" So what I just did do was plot armor..I used a time coin the GM gave us in the begining to reroll an event. He gaves us one to make sure we could survive level one, just in case. Well we didn't need to use them and just saved them. So this was the time. You heard the clunk of the coin hit the ground.. " My reroll is a 30" .. people are looking at me..then at the DM.. w t f just happened?!

The DM announces.. a sundering noise rips apart the heaven and this world.. a giant green hand adorned with exotic flowers swoops down and passes through the party in one swipe.. and as it does that it takes away the chaotic and dreadful fear and installs courage into you all.

I gave out a "let's freaking gooo!" And led the assualt.. ngl it was still a sloober knocker. And as our slayer finally took down the bone devil, the mayor said enough with the masks..


 Our DM goes.. " His true form has appeared.. and this is where we end tonight's game"..

If you could read ppl minds, collectively you could see the no freaking way message. We are our on empty and that was just part 1.. part 1 as in there's more..

Man we had a blast!



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