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BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! ***Explosive***Weaponry***


charles062715161.867 months agoPeakD7 min read


Greetings, Splinterfam! Sincerely, I hope it's okay if I take a few minutes out of your hectic day to review my Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge contribution. I'm using a different my alt account to play this game in brawl.





Aim True
Melee and Ranged attacks will always hit their target.
- This applies to magic attacks even if the Phase ability is in play.
- This ruleset effectively grants all units the True Strike ability.
- Use Return Fire or Thorns to ensure that your opponent's units pay for their guaranteed hit.
Explosive Weaponry
All units gain the Blast ability.
- Additional damage is equivalent to main damage divided by 2, rounded up.
- Include a unit with Reflection Shield in your lineup to absorb blast damage and protect your back line.


Keep Your Distance
Units with melee attacks may not be used.
- Use Phase, Void, Void Armor, and Magic Reflect to counter magic attacks.
- Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.
- Units with 2 types of attack (which include melee) cannot be used.


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Kindly click the image above to see the actual battle!


"Avina of the Wolf" stands as an exemplary summoner within the realm of Splinterlands, renowned for her strategic prowess and potent command over the forces of nature. Born from the mystical union of the wild and the arcane, Avina's presence on the battlefield instills fear in her adversaries and emboldens her allies.
This summoner allows you to choose between two abilities before the start of the battle.
Plus two speeds to two units.
Give Heal to one unit.




At the forefront of Ulundin's prowess lies his commanding presence on the battlefield. Towering over his adversaries with an imposing stature, he exudes an aura of authority that compels lesser creatures to cower in submission. His mere presence serves as a catalyst for fear and intimidation, sowing discord among enemy ranks and instilling doubt in their ability to stand against him.
- At the beginning of the battle, if this unit is in the first position, the unit in the second position gains reach.


Second Monster: CAPTAIN KATIE
Captain Katie emerges as a beacon of leadership and naval prowess within the vast expanses of Splinterlands, commanding respect and fear alike from her adversaries. Born from the depths of the ocean, she embodies the spirit of the sea, wielding its power with unparalleled skill and finesse.
Snipe - Targets the first enemy Unit with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that is not in the first position with Ranged or Magic attacks.
BloodLust - Every time this Unit defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats.


The Thanalorian Archer emerges as a testament to precision and deadly accuracy in the realm of Splinterlands, wielding their bow with unmatched skill and finesse. Born from the mystical forests of Thanalor, these archers are masters of their craft, capable of striking down their foes with pinpoint accuracy from afar.
Snipe - Targets the first enemy Unit with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that is not in the first position with Ranged or Magic attacks.
Lookout - Adjacent Units receive 1 less damage from attackers with Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity. Additionally, all units take half damage from ambushes as long as a Lookout Unit is on your team.


Nimbledook Ranger strides through the thick underbrush of Splinterlands with an agility that rivals the wind, embodying the essence of stealth and cunning. Hailing from the mysterious forests of Nimbledook, these elusive creatures are masters of guerrilla warfare, utilizing hit-and-run tactics to outmaneuver and outwit their adversaries.
Snipe - Targets the first enemy Unit with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that is not in the first position with Ranged or Magic attacks.
Double Strike - This unit attacks twice each round.



Summary of the battle:
In a thrilling display of strategy and precision, I emerged victorious in a heated battle within the Splinterlands arena, utilizing the formidable combination of Avina of the Wolf's speed enhancement and the sniping abilities of my monsters. With a keen eye for opportunity and a masterful command of my forces, I orchestrated a swift and decisive victory that left my opponents reeling.

From the onset of the match, I recognized the potential of Avina of the Wolf's ability to bolster the speed of my creatures. With her guidance, my team gained a crucial edge in agility, allowing them to act with unparalleled swiftness and efficiency. This advantage proved to be the key to seizing control of the battlefield from the very beginning.

As the match unfolded, I carefully deployed my monsters, each selected for their potent snipe abilities. With their precision attacks, they were able to target and eliminate key threats on the opposing side with ruthless efficiency. The combination of increased speed and deadly accuracy proved to be a devastating combination, as my creatures darted across the battlefield, striking down their foes with pinpoint accuracy.

In just four short rounds, the tide of battle had turned decisively in my favor. With Avina of the Wolf's speed enhancement propelling my monsters forward and their snipe abilities picking off enemy targets one by one, victory was all but assured. Despite the ferocity of my opponents' attacks, they were unable to withstand the relentless assault of my strategically coordinated forces.

As the final blow fell and the dust settled, I emerged triumphant, my opponents vanquished and my victory secured. Through the strategic utilization of Avina of the Wolf's speed enhancement and the deadly snipe abilities of my monsters, I had achieved victory in record time, proving once again the power of cunning strategy and tactical mastery in the realm of Splinterlands.


You can develop a more successful strategy if you are aware of what your opponent might decide to do at various points during the conflict. Better preparation in terms of the summoner to use and the monsters you should choose can give you a chance, albeit it won't guarantee success. In this instance, I simply had better situational prediction, therefore I kept the prize. It's imperative that you plan ahead and make sure to do so.


There goes my entry for this week. Hope you liked it. Thank you once again for visiting…Till next time. Stay safe always...and have fun battling.
I look forward to seeing you soon in the upcoming challenge.


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Join us in the never-ending battle. Hope to be seeing you battling with us someday soon.
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