The Nonchalance Hovering Around The Females World Discreetly.
The female gender is inbuilt naturally to perceive things right before it occurs, you might quote her wrong but time will unveil if it's right or wrong but what's more flippant is when it is taken for granted.
I can say firmly that 80% of women can observe things going around them and the environment which feels odd, they could easily detect what's no right somewhat in a way it's channeled to zodiac signs which I believe is true.
They could sense your unhappiness and pain withering inside of you and that's simply their nature.
That's why when a woman gives birth, she was always drawn to the child looking closely and listening attentively to the changes the baby undergoes.
We have the power to choose how we control the birth rate and that's the strength of reproduction which the other gender can't do even in the next life. Every woman is blessed socially, economically, and politically, they could do what a man can do six times better.
Nigerian women have great histories and bright futures some of them have been able to break through the glass ceiling in their chosen fields.
In ancient times, during the 1990s the female is placed under the power of strict instructions to be calm as the sign of respect and dignity are given to her spouse.
Women of those days were under pressure and they controlled such occupations as food processing, mat weaving, farming, pottery making, and cooking to hold the family or her position as a wife.
Her boundaries are limited that she revolves around these activities beyond the household level while power was generally dominated by men and decisions are taken by them.
Sometimes to maintain the wealth of the family, fathers forcefully use their female children to strike a bargain, therefore betrothing them to sustain more finance and maintaining friendship but inflicting pain to the girl child as that wasn't her decision. Most times when there's a debt to be paid they don't look for alternative solutions, he uses his daughter to pay debts and she will be submitted to maltreatment of all kinds including sexual assault.
