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The transformation that comes with the Metamerso


celi130773.403 years ago4 min read

The transformation that comes with the Metamerso
Today we cannot imagine our world without internet, since it is a technology that has been used for different functions, transforming the lives of many people, but now we are living a new stage that will change our lives more, since this new world will not change. It will be in 2D but we will be living in a 3D world that will be an imitation of the real world because you can get a world where you can go to school, work, go shopping but through that three-dimensional world, where you can get your avatar customized and feel everything as if it were real.

Tim Sweeney, founder of epic games, is already in the race to build a different version of the internet, like other programmers as well as faceboock metaverse, could come to his job since his game today is being used by a billion people who you play for hours, so is this a game or is it already the reality that we will live in the metaverse. This is like watching the game Sim5 but in the first person where you build your own world, socialize, share experiences, and even work together.

When will this happen?

For this type of thing, three things are needed for it to come true, including this Demand, Software, Hardware.



The demand has already been around for a long time since we started life with the internet, and many users are entering this world, it will be a point that will have a great explosion, since there are 3D video games that experience the virtual world every day On the other hand, the global online games industry every day creates new worlds to attract more people, the demand is already present.


This is already present in this era of technology here we can see the game Real Engine and Unity game engine, both are valued in billions and dollars being its creator of the first Tim Sweeney, where this type of technology has been used to create Final Fantansy and other games from the Xbox console, in turn this is being used in movies to show people realistic scenes with special effects. It can be said that Unreal and Unity are the equivalent to the metaverse of Android and Ios, as well as the games minecraft, ro blog, crossfire, which has its own software creating a world, so the software is already among us making this Metaverse this closer.


As has already been analyzed, the metaverse is starting from the world of video games and the 2.5 billion players access their world through three current ways: mobile phones, consoles or computers, these three ways have been developed and advanced to Offer its users a different way of living those games, in turn being more powerful and faster, in turn we have on the table the introduction of 5G that will increase the browsing speed of users, making a bridge to create a link Between the new world and the metaverse, many companies today are competing to create a low-price and fast device so that people can access the metaverse as well as the new devices that are being presented to the market of smart glasses as well as that of Faceboock Ray ban the smart glasses that offer you a unique way to capture photos and video, share your adventures, listen to music or receive calls, amazon too. Who has introduced theirs in the market, as well as Apple is already on the way to its launch, these different devices are opening the door for this metaverse to arrive as soon as possible.

This metaverse will mean that there is no longer a keyboard, a search in google since it opens virtual wizards that will do it for us, we can walk, talk with the real world making us travel from world to another in just seconds since we can be at home but Through this we can be observing the statue of the Americas through the metaverse.

But the Metaverse will be good for us or not?

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