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Hot coffee with milk for the cold weather [Eng/Esp]


carmary1.1 K2 years ago6 min read

Hello my friends of this beautiful community Taza de Café con canela, happy to greet you. Today I want to share with you a delicious latte prepared by my beloved husband.

Hola que tal mis amigo de esta linda comunidad Taza de Café con canela, feliz de saludarles. En el dia de hoy les quiero compartir un delicioso café con leche preparado por mi amado esposo.


Last week at about five o'clock in the afternoon I was craving a cup of coffee with milk and salty bread. That afternoon it had rained, so the atmosphere was a little chilly and I needed a nice cup of hot coffee. The good thing is that not only I had that craving, my husband did too, so we decided to prepare it, but what do you think...?

There was a little problem: we were short of milk and bread. So I had to go out to the bakery and to a store to buy what I needed to "kill" my craving. I got ready and left in a hurry because it was getting late and the store closest to my house to buy the milk was about to close. I remember I was on my way and in my mind I kept saying over and over again: "I hope they didn't close the store, I hope they didn't close the store". I kept repeating it over and over again until I reached the store. To my surprise and excitement, the store was open. I bought the milk and bread and on my way home I was already tasting it. I was lucky the store was open because I didn't want to imagine going home without the milk.

So, excited, I get home. My husband prepares the coffee with milk, which by the way he prepares it better than me, it is super delicious, almost always he is the one who prepares it and he is ahead of me, but not by much. While he was preparing the coffee we were talking and laughing for a few minutes.

La semana pasada a eso de la cinco de la tarde aproximadamente se me antoja una taza de café con leche con pan salado. Esa tarde habia llovido, por lo que el ambiente estaba un poco frio y necesitaba una rica taza de cafe caliente. Lo bueno es que no solo yo tenia ese antojo, mi esposo también, asi que nos animamos para preparalo pero ¿qué creen?...

Había un problemita: nos hacia falta la leche y el pan. Así que me tocó salir a la panaderia y a un negocio a comprar lo que me hacía falta para "matar" mi antojo. Me alisté y salí muy deprisa porque se estaba haciendo tarde y el negocio que me queda mas cerca de casa para comprar la leche, ya estaba a punto de cerrar. Recuerdo que iba de camino y en mi mente decia una y otra vez: "que no hayan cerrado el negocio, que no hayan cerrado el negocio". Así lo estuve repetiendo una y otra vez hasta llegar al local. Para mi sorpresa y emoción, el negocio estaba abierto. Compré la leche y el pan y de camino a casa ya me lo estaba saboreando. Que suerte que el negocio estaba abierto porque no queria imaginarme llegar a casa sin la leche.

Así que, emocionada llego a casa. Mi esposo se dispone a preparar el café con leche, que por cierto lo prepara mejor que yo, le queda super delicioso, casi siempre el es quien lo prepara y me lleva la delantera, pero no por mucho. Mientras él preparaba el café estuvimos dialogando y riendo unos minutos.


Once the latte was ready, my husband poured me a nice cup and a piece of bread. Without thinking I took a sip, but then I let it sit for a few minutes while it cooled down a bit so I could enjoy it much better. What a delicious latte! I confess that I savored it and I know I enjoyed it with my husband. Its flavor and aroma are unique, nothing better than a cup of hot coffee with milk to relax and feel good.

Una vez listo el café con leche, mi esposo me sirve una buena taza y un trozo de pan. Sin pensarlo tomo un sorbo, pero luego lo dejé reposar unos minutos mientras enfriaba un poco y asi poder disfrutarlo mucho mejor. ¡Qué rico café con leche! Les confieso que me lo saboreé y sé que lo disfruté al lado de mi esposo. Su sabor y aroma son unicos nada mejor que una taza de café con leche calientito para relajarse y sentirse bien.


It worked wonders for me because that afternoon, as I told you, it was getting a little cold and with the coffee it calmed me down a little and lifted my spirits to continue working at the computer. That is one of the benefits that these rich beverages give us and not only that, it also allows us to delight in its rich flavor.

This has been all, I hope that like me you continue to enjoy the delicious coffee, whether at home or in a coffee shop, with your family or friends and even alone.

A mi me cayo de maravilla porque esa tardecita, como les dije, estaba haciendo algo de frio y con el café se me aplacó un poco y me levanto los animos para seguir en la computadora trabajando. Ese es uno de los beneficios que nos brindan esta ricas bebidas y no solo eso, tambien nos permite deleitarnos en su rico sabor.

Esta ha sido todo, espero y al igual que yo sigan disfrutando del delicioso café, bien sea en casa o en una cafeteria, en familia o con tus amigos e incluso estando solos.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Greetings and a hug.
Gracias por visitar mi blog. Saludos y un abrazo.



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