My Cleaning Activity for Today 24th Jan; 2024.
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There was something so special I forgot to share in my entry for the #cleanplanet contest round . And I would love to make up for it. The prompt asked us to describe our moments of disappointment or times we've disappointed someone but should be centered on being disappointed.
I missed to also share how I've disappointed someone but before I go on, I would love to share my cleaning activity for today. After returning from school yesterday, my device was down and the power supply was interrupted. I couldn't do my cleaning activity because I wouldn't have had any pictures to back it up.
Due to my inability to do my cleaning activity yesterday, the street actually looks somewhat tattered. But later in the night yesterday, the power supply was fully restored and I had my device charged up. Since I couldn't go out to carry out my cleaning that night, I had to start write up against today.
After cleaning the street, I made sure the gathered trash in the trash bag was properly disposed of in the trash can. Normally, I do my cleaning activity along my street but today, I had to move down to somewhere I noticed was very tattered. Returning from the tailor’s shop yesterday, I noticed the street there wasn't clean enough, so I had already planned to visit there today and I did so.
Let's say that's all for my cleaning activity today, now let me give a brief discussion of how I had disappointed someone before.
Back then when I used to stake money on premier league football games, I used to double or sometimes triple my money. One day, I got some cash from my sister and promised her to double return. So I tried to triple the money, so I could take one third and give her two thirds (that's double). But unfortunately for me, I lost the money because gambling is a game of lose or win, nothing more.
When my sister needed her money, I couldn't give her back because I had none, she was so disappointed.
I felt bad too but couldn't help the situation.
