Creating Our Own Abundance ~ tales from the herbal homestead
The problems of the world and our local communities can quickly get us feeling down and at this point I can't participate without feeling hopeless. Sometimes I feel like an outsider for not being informed about the world nor participating into the virtual screaming into the void as my peers do, and as I have in the past. In such times I find myself avoiding social interactions, hermit-ing up, and focusing solely on what I can change. No matter how small those things may seem on the global scale.
People often tell us that we are lucky to live in such a beautiful place "rent" free and "carefree". Most of the time I just nod in agreement but other times I get a little exasperated and declare to them "It isn't just luck! We worked hard to get here."
We wouldn't be living on this homestead if it weren't for the dozens of volunteering and exchanges we had done to gain a reputation as a trustworthy couple. Now we live in a home but lived in tents for years before this. Though we may not pay rent in money we do instead take care of the land; mowing the lawn, pruning trees, keeping bored teenagers and herds of cattle from trampling the orchard & our gardens. All of this we had to cultivate and it took years to come to fruition, especially the living carefree part.
Luck and abundance are things we must intentionally sow and care for much like a garden. As individuals, as couples, families, and as a society, on all these levels this is the great task set before us. It is certainly important to point out injustices and errors in society, but, how is it that so many people are caught up in the cycle of complaining, focusing on the problem instead of working towards a solution?
Maybe it is a good thing that some folks hit rock bottom in this way. They are stuck in a realm of depression partially created by their own negativity. I have been there, I was there for years!
Haven't we all been there?
Creating My Own Abundance ~
And then, a transformation began to occur. A desire to find an enchanted life, away from the dark forces of depression and apathy. Or, more realistically, to create an enchanted life.
On the path of cultivating my own fulfillment I grow flowers as well as micro greens. That is why there are herbs with spiritual purposes growing alongside essential medicinal plants in my modest garden. The many, many disappointments and failures we have experienced as homesteaders; from a wildcat taking out all our flock, to cows eating all out corn, to crops failing for unknown reasons - I am learning to take them in stride. Instead of feeling like a failure I can see those experiences as fuel for the compost pile, or at least a future funny anecdote.
There is so much more to learn. Years and years of practice, trials & errors before I will be a real farmer. But, until then I cherish my small successes when they come. We always have greens in the garden, sprouts to decorate our plates, and flowers for fun, magic, and medicine - that is truly something to be grateful for. Earth has all the potential to be an abundant place for everyone. Humans, I believe, have the responsibility to encourage such abundance.
