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bsfmalaysia3.80last year14 min read

Will most people in the world eventually be innately immune to AIDS?
3 answers · Last followed Sep 7
Icon for Sexual Reality
Sexual Reality ·
Answered by
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Sep 7
Have you had sex with a parent? What was your experience?
(Anonymous source) A parent of others, not mine. Experience was good, quite exciting.
Why did Thai Language borrow Middle Chinese for numerals 2-4 (song, Sam si), 7-10 (chet, pet, kao, sip), 20 (yi sip) & -1 (et, in higher numerals) whereas numerals 5 (ha < *lŋa / *sŋa) & 6 (hok < *krok) seem to be Old Chinese loanwords?
No answer yet · Last followed Sep 5
Is Thai "khun" (you) a loanword from Chinese "君"?
2 answers · Last followed Aug 29
Do you think that Mainland Chinese deserve their sufferings during the final years of People's Republic of China's collapse under Xi Jinping?
2 answers · Last followed Aug 20
Have you ever had sex with someone for reasons other than bodily desire, money, material gain, and reproduction?
11 answers · Last followed Aug 25
What's the weirdest/unconventional reason someone ever gave to ask you for sex?
1 answer · Last followed Aug 18
Will legalizing euthanasia help eugenics?
No answer yet · Last followed Aug 15
Why does hydrodynamic resistance of liquid decrease under a strong electrical field (voltage)?
3 answers · Last followed Aug 11
Profile photo for Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Ambassador at Rainbow Network (2021–present)
Jul 29
Is anyone taking action against Zinnia Network by Stuart Menzies that has rugpulled in April 2023?
Do you think that in 100 years time, the term "Russia" will become a mere historical noun and no longer a contemporary political existence such as Hittite, Byzantine, Ottoman, etc.?
6 answers · Last followed Jul 28
Have you ever had an affair with your business partner? How did it turn out?
1 answer · Last followed Jul 27
Why do ancient languages with no contrast between 's' and 'sh' tend to adopt the letter derived from Phoenician 'shin' instead of the letter derived from Phoenician 'samek'?
1 answer · Last followed Jul 26
Why is forced sexual intercourse with condom on not considered rape in the People's Republic of China?
No answer yet · Last followed Jul 2
Glitter Finance declares its $NoSec token as not a security, can it avoid being sued by US SEC?
1 answer · Last followed Jul 1
How can we use AI to reduce the incidence of pedophilia?
1 answer · Last followed Jul 8
At what temperature (range) do people have the greatest desire to spend money?
No answer yet · Last followed Jun 29
As an individual investor, how can a non-Chinese profit from the coming collapse of the People's Republic of China?
2 answers · Last followed Jun 24
Is anyone taking legal action against Stuart Menzies for rug pulling the Zinnia Network?
No answer yet · Last followed Jun 22
Profile photo for Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Ambassador at Rainbow Network (2021–present)
Jun 21
Was Hu Jintao a better president than Xi Jinping?
Nope, Hu turned China into a threat to the civilised world. Xi is shattering China from within.
Will the oil price go up or down when Putin's Russia loses the war with Ukraine?
6 answers · Last followed Jun 13
Profile photo for Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Ambassador at Rainbow Network (2021–present)
Jun 12
What is the likelihood of a cryptocurrency being free from scams?
Should Siberia be ceded to Japan or Korea after Putin's Russia collapsed?
12 answers · Last followed Jun 12
Why are so many Russian soldiers fighting Ukraine despite knowing that they will not win the war?
42 answers · Last followed Jun 12
Can Asian guys share your stories banging Caucasian girl(s)?
12 answers · Last followed Jun 6
Have you ever had sex with a woman in front of her kid(s)?
8 answers · Last followed Aug 13
Do you think that a democratic China will be more dangerous to the civilised world than under dictatorial rule (like the current Communist China)?
11 answers · Last followed May 30
Can you add Frigaid to gear oil?
No answer yet · Last followed Sep 6
Can you add Frigaid to engine (motor) oil?
No answer yet · Last followed Sep 6
Profile photo for Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Ambassador at Rainbow Network (2021–present)
May 12
My period ended two weeks ago and my boyfriend fingered me two days ago after jacking himself off. Though he thoroughly wiped his hands, is there a chance that I will get pregnant?
If thoroughly means no single sperms left on his hands, then no chance getting pregnant
Why aren't churches and religious institutions funding researches that will actually reduce the incidence of LGBTQs?
22 answers · Last followed May 12
Can Frigaid be added to car motor oil?
1 answer · Last followed May 10
Profile photo for Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Ambassador at Rainbow Network (2021–present)
May 9
If half the population dies from Covid 19 would the world be a better place?
Yes, if it's the lower half that perishes
How many qings can a country take before it became a qingland itself?
No answer yet · Last followed Apr 30
Icon for Something Offensive memes space
Something Offensive memes space ·
Posted by
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Apr 14
Icon for Daily Punch
Daily Punch
Why did COVID stop the human IQ from declining?
2 answers · Last followed Apr 14
Do you think Xi Jinping should be rewarded with Nobel Peace Prize for greatly reducing Mainland Chinese population?
4 answers · Last followed Apr 14
How many mainland Chinese immigrants could destroy a country's democracy?
2 answers · Last followed Apr 12
Why do some Westerners oppose to Xi Jinping ruling China? Isn’t it better for Xi to ruin China completely and destroy the Chinese economy?
4 answers · Last followed Apr 12
Do you think the phrase "sweet home Afghanistan" will go viral one day?
1 answer · Last followed Apr 4
Is the declining mainland Chinese population good or bad for world democracy?
1 answer · Last followed Apr 4
Which has stronger eugenic effects, COVID or Draconian Lockdown?
6 answers · Last followed Apr 4
What's your most memorable experience providing sexual services to a physically disabled person?
No answer yet · Last followed Apr 4
How can we monetize humour?
2 answers · Last followed Mar 31
Profile photo for Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Ambassador at Rainbow Network (2021–present)
Mar 30
How do you do eugenics on a population and hide it?
You can’t, the effects are very obvious
Profile photo for Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Ambassador at Rainbow Network (2021–present)
Mar 30
Why do proponents of liberal abortion policy never bring up the eugenic nature of abortions?
Because eugenics is the whole point of abortion. You don’t want to let humans who are highly likely to be inferior in future be born and causing troubles to the society.
Do liberals support abortion rights and draconian lockdowns for the sake of eugenics?
2 answers · Last followed Mar 30
Did lockdowns ruin the global economy and lead to the Russo-Ukrainian war (2022-2023) & Sino-Taiwanese war (2023-2024)?
9 answers · Last followed Mar 30
Are liberals generally more in favor of global depopulation?
11 answers · Last followed Mar 29
Why are liberals more pro-lockdown as anti-pandemic measures whereas conservatives are more against it?
78 answers · Last followed Mar 29
Why did the global elite reduce the world population with COVID and Draconian lockdowns?
12 answers · Last followed Mar 28
What does 支黑 (zhī hēi, ji hak, shikuro) mean in Mandarin, Cantonese, and Japanese?
2 answers · Last followed Mar 26
Do you know that Xi Jinping is also known as spider slayer?
2 answers · Last followed Mar 27
Why do many people think that the spider is the most representative of the People's Republic of China as its national animal?
2 answers · Last followed Mar 26
Do you think Draconian Lockdown is a benign way to carry out eugenics?
4 answers · Last followed Mar 26
Why is the phrase "It is the brand ambassador of the world" so rampant in Quora comments?
1 answer · Last followed Apr 2
Are you in favour of implementing pandemic eugenics regularly (for example, release a deadly gain-of-function virus every twenty years) to increase overall human intelligence continuously?
3 answers · Last followed Mar 22
Can creativity be quantified like we quantify intelligence with IQ?
4 answers · Last followed Mar 17
Profile photo for Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Ambassador at Rainbow Network (2021–present)
Mar 17
What if the COVID-19 pandemic had a 70% mortality rate?
The world will be a better place and humanity IQ will go up tremendously
Icon for Sook Jin GOH
Sook Jin GOH ·
Posted by
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Mar 17
Profile photo for Dan Lauffer
Dan Lauffer
 · Mar 16
Do you think that Draconian Lockdown is eugenics?
The more we look into this whole mess the clearer the motives are for its creation. First, since we know the gain of function research began in the US under the control of Fauci. What a way to end his career and to end his life. He was the primary mover of the research. We know it was sent to Wuhan i…
Profile photo for Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Ambassador at Rainbow Network (2021–present)
Mar 17
What if the COVID-19 pandemic had a 30% mortality rate?
Human race will become smarter
Do you think that Draconian Lockdown is eugenics?
8 answers · Last followed Mar 16
Why does Luna Classic (LUNC) have more followers than Cosmos on LinkedIn when LUNC is pretty much a dead blockchain with no developers?
2 answers · Last followed Mar 16
Icon for Sexual Reality
Sexual Reality ·
Answered by
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Mar 15
What's the most egregious sexually explicit space here on Quora?
Make this space the one
Icon for Sexual Reality
Sexual Reality ·
Answered by
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Mar 15
Where do I find men for a gangbang?
If you are a woman, you can find them easily.
Why do boiled Pere Ocean mineral water have negative oxidation-reduction potential (ORP)?
1 answer · Last followed Mar 15
Does the left support abortion right because they want to implement eugenics?
8 answers · Last followed Mar 14
Why did the tag #Algohicks go viral on Twitter?
No answer yet · Last followed Mar 13
Why is the political Left so in favor of dysgenics in general? Will the society become more equal when overall human IQ declines?
10 answers · Last followed Mar 13
Profile photo for Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Ambassador at Rainbow Network (2021–present)
Mar 13
Is support for eugenics generally associated with the political Left or Right?
The Right does not generally support (nor disagree with) eugenics nowadays whereas the Left is very against it.
Will AI greatly reduce or even eliminate the incidence of people who identify as non-binary "genders"?
3 answers · Last followed Mar 13
Who started the N-word reply train (i.e. someone reply with the letter N, and then other users reply I, G, G, E, R to it consecutively)?
No answer yet · Last followed Mar 13
Will AI reduce or even eliminate the incidence of non-binary sexuality such as homosexuality?
4 answers · Last followed Mar 13
Icon for Sexual Reality
Sexual Reality ·
Answered by
Rainbow Network by Glitter Finance
Mar 5
Do Japanese women enjoy anal sex?
Most women don’t enjoy an@l s3x, and I doubt there are higher percentage of Japanese women who enjoy it than other people.
Sook Jin GOH

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  • Technical Sales Manager @ ESCO Frigaid; Dec 2022 - Present
       - Operation of Flexim Fluxus F601 Ultrasonic Flow Meter & Hioki PW3360-20 Power Analyzer
       - Assisted in the Treatment and COP Measurement & Evaluation of:
         - One 250RT Trane Screw Glycol Chiller
         - One 350RT York Centrifugal Chiller
         - Eight 1080RT York Centrifugal Chillers
         - One 1200RT York Centrifugal Chiller

  • Page Owner @ Cosmos Network; Sep 2022 - Present

  • Content Creator @ CoinBaba; Jul 2022 - Present

  • Ambassador, @ GlitterFinance.org; Aug 2022 - Present

  • Business Development Facilitator, @ GlitterFinance.org; Jul 2022 - Present

  • Post-crash Dip Buyer, Page Owner @ Terra Luna Classic (LUNC); May 2022 - Present

  • Community Manager 社群經理 @ GlitterFinance.org; Oct 2021 - Present

  • Early Adopter @ Blurt Blockchain; Oct 2021 - Present

  • Community Manager 社群經理 @ Authentium.io; Jul 2021 - Present

  • Managing Director @ Nanyang Global Scientific Research Management 南洋國際科研管理; May 2021 - May 2023

  • Customer Support Agent @ Equinix, May 2021

  • Regional Ambassador 地區大使, Chinese-English Bilingual Translator中英雙語翻譯員 @ Nutbox.io; Mar 2021 - Present

  • Early Adopter @ Dtube; Mar 2021 - Present

  • Early Adopter, Chinese Community Organizer 中文群組織者 @ Hive Blockchain; Mar 2021 - Present

  • Freelance Translator @ Innoscience Research Sdn Bhd, Oct 2020 - Mar 2021

  • Early Adopter @ Steem Blockchain, Apr 2018 - Present

Licenses & Certifications


  • University of Melbourne 2013 - 2017
       - Master of Philosophy - MPhil, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

  • Engineering Institute of Technology, 2018-2020
       - Advanced Diploma, Applied Electrical Engineering (Electrical Systems) DEE 52726WA

  • Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 2006 - 2010
       - Bachelor of Science - BS, Chemistry and Biochemistry
       - Grade: Second Upper Honor

  • Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 2006 - 2010
       - Minor, Chinese Studies

  • Foon Yew High School 宽柔中学, 2000 - 2005
       - Science Stream

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