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Why We Should Focus On Local Communities, Rather Than Federal Politics


brennanhm130.715 months agoPeakD3 min read

With the 2024 US election coming up, I can't help but think we are wasting a lot of our time focusing energy on the unavoidable collapse of an empire, rather than putting our efforts into building modern and resilient local communities.

Once great nations such as America and Canada are facing a number of problems, causing them to fragment and decentralize. In this post, we'll discuss how issues like illegal immigration, Bitcoin, and the rising cost of living are causing power to shift from centralized governments into smaller local communities.

The Once "United" States of America Are Dividing

Let's hone in on a couple of major issues facing America right now.

Over the past few years, as millions of undocumented humans pass through Central America and into the US, the illegal immigration crisis is generating friction between states like Texas and the federal government.

Washington D.C. is ordering Texas to keep their border open to immigration, while Texas is refusing to obey the order due to an increase in crime, and a higher burden on resources within their state.

The US federal government is also working on plans to make self-custody of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies illegal. At the same time, many states are starting to pass laws protecting the rights of their citizens to hold crypto, while prohibiting federal CBDCs.

As the World Economic Forum's plans to reset the world become more apparent, and more citizens wake up to what's happening, these divisive issues are only going to get more heated.

Weakening Fiat Currencies

If there's one thing that can cause strife, division and revolt within a population, it's a substantial rise in the cost of living. And as the federal government has been spending like a drunken sailor since 2008, and especially since 2020, the prices of goods and services have been skyrocketing in line with the increasing money supply.

Due to the weakening dollar, more and more countries and businesses are in the process of de-dollarization, and rhetoric about replacing fiat with CBDCs is on the rise. When the bottom finally drops out of the dollar, there won't be much left holding the USA together. Despite that, I believe we will see the rise of resilient communities based on cryptocurrencies throughout this tumultuous time.


Empires Rise and Fall

Throughout the 2024 campaign trail, both Biden and Trump want to make it seem that America is on the right track, or can recover from these fallbacks to become great again. But just as the Greek, Roman, and British empires of the past could not be saved, neither can the American empire reverse from its decline.

Rather than wasting our precious time quarreling over issues at the national level, we should instead be focusing on how we can build a better future at the local level. We have only just begun to the see the impact that public blockchains will have on our communities, and this trend towards decentralization is unstoppable.

If you learned something from this article, be sure to check out my other posts on crypto and finance here on the HIVE blockchain. You can also follow me on InLeo for more frequent updates.

Until next time...


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