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A Sliver of Silver


bozz14.9 Klast monthPeakD5 min read


If you follow the Hive Silver and Gold Stackers group at all, you might know that they recently had a pretty big raffle. They call it the Monster Raffle and if I am being honest, the prizes are quite "monster". I bought a couple of tickets the last time they did this, but it really wasn't enough to put the odds in my favor.

This time, I had enough warning that I set some Hive aside to pick up quite a few more tickets. When the window opened, I bought what I thought was a big fat stack of tickets. Then I FOMO'd and bought another decent stack of them. Unfortunately, I didn't win any prizes, but my congratulations to those who did.

The prizes for the raffle are donated pieces of silver and gold from members of the communities stacks. The proceeds go towards buying delegations to reward the members of the group for writing and contributing quality posts. It's a pretty cool system.

Little did I know, something amazing was going to happen. There was a member of the group who bought a pretty significant number of tickets. They ended up winning seven of the prizes in the random draw. They decided to keep five of them, but raffle off the other two from among the people who bought tickets but didn't win.

Would you believe I won one of the prizes? I'm looking forward to sharing it with you once it arrives in the mail, but until then, I've been inspired by all things Silver for this #threetunetuesdasy post sponsored by @ablaze!

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Now, you might think, what does a "Pink Cadillac" have to do with silver? Well, let me tell you. If you actually listen to the song, there is a line where Bruce talks about being tempted with silver and gold. That's what made me want to include this song today. Sure, I could have went to Google and did a search for songs that have the word "silver" in them, but I wanted to keep it a little more genuine.

With that in mind, I am only including songs that I actually thought of in this post. No Google cheating at all.

Pink Cadillac was written by Bruce Springsteen, but the more popular version you might be familiar with was sung by Natalie Cole. Either way, it's a pretty cool song. If I had to pick one version, I would probably pick the original Bruce version. That's just me though.

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This one is going to probably strike a chord (pun intended) with quite a few people here. I know a lot of folks on Hive aren't huge fans of country music. Add to that the fact that this song is ooooooold country, and it doesn't make for a good combination. If you can't handle the pop trash they call country these days, you probably won't be able to handle that old school fiddle country.

Maybe I am wrong though.

The Oak Ridge Boys are probably most famous for their campy song "Elvira", but personally, I like "Y'all Come Back Saloon" more. I used to have an acquaintance a long time ago who was a huge fan of the Oak Ridge Boys and she turned me on to this song.

It quickly became one of my favorites. That tambourine with a silver jingle is the main reason I included it in this post today. Whether you like the Oak Ridge Boys or not, they had a way of working harmonies together that was pretty impressive. It's honestly a skill you don't see highlighted quite as much these days.

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Bob Seger is one of those artists that I don't think get as much credit as they deserve. You might here a song here or there and be reminded of how much you enjoy them. Then you start digging into their catalog and you realize just how many amazing songs they have written or performed.

I was the same way with Heart. A couple years back my sister in law was talking about how one of the Wilson sisters was coming to a local venue of theirs. Just on a whim she said how many Heart songs can you name. I think we got maybe three to five of them (which is a little underwhelming for me). Then she started listing all their hits and we were suddenly saying "oh yeah". I bet it was an awesome show.

Like I said, I think that's the way some people see Bob Seger. While "Night Moves" doesn't necessarily have a reference to silver in it, it was written and sung by Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band, so I thought it fit well into this category.

The lyrics to Night Moves are actually pretty funny if you listen to them, but it tells a nice story about kids hooking up. I've also gotta point out it has a cameo by a very young Matt LeBlanc from Friends fame in the video.

While not my favorite Seger song, this one definitely fits in the top five to ten of his songs. My wife actually used to know a guy who had a boat named "Night Moves", so we always kind of get a chuckle out of the song anytime it comes on.

So there you go, that's my three songs for this Tuesday morning! I hope you enjoyed!

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


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