Book Review: Money Mentality
We are what we think. The way we think and see the world determines everything in life. There is a direct relationship between what you think and what you achieve in real life. This is because what you think directly affects your emotions and emotions directly influences the way you act and react in your day-to-day life.
Robert Kiyosaki the author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” book teaches us money is all about mentality and the reason why the poor becomes poorer and the rich become richer is only because of their money mentality. The author clearly discloses both the society and most parents teach their children to go to school, learn profession, get a good job in a big company and work their entire life to earn money just for subsistence life.
The poor failed to understand born financially intelligent so that always keep their intention on how to work hard to earn consistent income to be able to cover their living expenses instead of finding out new ways for long lasting financial freedom. Therefore, they spend entire life working for money to benefit the employer.
The majority; the poor; are characterized by their fear of losing money to cover living expenses, weak emotional Intelligence manifested in the form of the need to have wealth symbol; buying luxury car and big house for loan to pay working their entire life. The center of concern of this poor is on how to get job promotion to increase income (monthly salary), pay income tax for government and cover bank mortgage. Nothing beyond!
On the contrary, the few or rich people approaches life from different perspective. They have strong burning desire to build wealth and become rich. Their burning desire fuels passion and compassion inside the heart and minds of rich people helps them to find new opportunities, build their knowledge bases to improve their income and always try to find out new ways visualizing money work for them (money make money).
Most importantly, Rich people understand their innate capability and financial intelligence so that use their money to build their asset portfolio expecting asset generate income to cover expenses without relying on other sources. The basic principle of rich people lays on buying an asset while working hard on your daily job. Unlike poor people, the rich consistently work building high level emotional intelligence to ensure financial success and becoming rich.
Generally, the greatest lesson I have learned from this book is “The rich do not work for money“. Those who work for money, the poor put their future in the hands and will of employer. Build your money mentality now for long lasting financial freedom!!!