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When Roads absorb Moonlight!


bhaavann1.267 months agoHive.Blog3 min read

Hello Hivers, I hope you all are well . So, today, we will be taking looks on some Twilight musings. We all know and experience the after dark theme inside of our minds. **As the moon takes over the sky, it brings its calmness, peace and solitude affect within. What you guys be thinking always while staring at the stars? About your exes or the old memories that are running consistently inside. Do you really think, Moon is responsible for this ? Moon, as always, sharing the ancient wisdom and the humans always expressing about earthly concerns. Stay right here, don’t you think it is a beautiful comprehension under the starlit sky?

Over this journey, me will be sharing an afterdark series of thoughts through the lens of science and nature , once in a week ;ie, every Thursday.


Over my personal experience, what night, moon and stars has taught me is acceptance, even though maybe it took ten years. Aaah, quiet moments of solitude, really makes an affect on personal insights. A soul stirring journey through darkness it is, when you really want yourself to be permeable for the light.

​This is a beautiful small town named Nahan(i.e situated in Himachal, India), illuminating a lot light in the night time. I often come to this place to enjoy the light coming from between the dark, as it can only be seen from this far. When I start my drive from the home, I may not be able to sense the light and the darkness both that is giving glamour to my awesome hometown.


Tell me the truth, do you guys enjoy the night rides? Obviously, every 2 of 3 love night drives. These are introspective moments that become vital under the night sky while driving along the dimly lit roads. The moon here becomes your boon companion telling you the ancient tales while illuminating your path, while your soul is also connected to the four wheels.
This photograph is taken on April 4, 2024 at 1:11 am by, obviously me, as I just love taking photographs specially astro punches where you can really count the stars.

Again, she is the sister of above photograph delivered just after some minutes. Sorry guys, but what my eyes always saw and felt here, can't be felt by the photographs, but yeah, you guys are welcome to join mw with this crazy journey of roads when they absorb moonlight.


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