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Roblox and Why Kid-Centered Gaming is the Future


bethwheatcraft153.145 years agoSteemit3 min read

So, it was a cold and stormy night (jk jk it's never cold and stormy here in the G-D-Damned Desert!) when my daughter told me she was playing Roblox and asked if I wanted to play. Now, prior to this, I knew all my kids played it, and that there were a bunch of different games, but I had never played myself, because I am always just too busy. I had a little free time though so I agreed and thus began my ridiculous addiction to Roblox.

I am ashamed to admit this. This is a game that is marketed to little kids. But damn if FarmTown isn't both fun and addicting...I LOVE having fake cows on my fake farm with my fake crops. Just let me live my life ok?!?!?!

(This guy is called a "dabbing noob". Like, the weird is endless in this place.)

Ok so I am a numbers nerd and so of course a game where you calculate how many crops to plant and when and for how long in order to get money to buy new and better crops in order to lather, rinse and repeat would naturally appeal to me. What I didnt realize is that this isn't just a game, but a HUGE network of games all linked together under a system of money called Robux. Now of course, if you want to buy anything cool in these games, it takes real money, and that makes sense because each game has an individual creator who made it, and there are thousands of games on this site. So naturally, creators are going to want to make money from their work.

It was not one of my proudest moments when I dished a cool $20 USD over to Roblox in order to afford magic bean seeds so that I could finally afford a big enough plot of land for my fake barn, fake milk-o-matic 5000 and fake cows.

(I realize I likely have deep seated issues, but for the love of God, let me live my life!)

Ok, so anyway, what occurred to me is just how many users are on Roblox. Yes, most of them are young, my guess is 7-14, but what better age group than this one, the born and raised with a tablet in their face, age group, to start introducing crypto to?

Now I know there have been some attempts to create fun games where you can earn a specific coin or what not, but what if there was a website, just like Roblox, that encouraged young people to create fun online games, and what if instead of creating a currency that just exchanges USD online, it had a real crypto to back it? Like if Robux were worth more than just a USD amount, and could be traded for other cryptos?

Kids are crazy savvy. I have complained in the past about the complexity of decentralization and that the average person isn't going to understand it, but that's the average adult my age, not the average kid. It never really occurred to me to start hyper-focusing on kids. Make crypto and decentralization just the norm. Make it the new cool thing. Make a decentralized Roblox, a decentralized Tik Tok...have kids lead the adults into the future.

Maybe it sounds crazy, but I really think this would be a solid way forward.

What do ya'll think?

xx - Beth

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