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Concept of Love, is it a burden?


attentionneeded384.303 years agoPeakD4 min read

Sometimes we think about it trying to make sense out of what it is, to understand and grasp the concept of it so desperately seeking an answer. But is it definable or indefinable?


What does it mean to love someone and put that person first in everything we do? For a moment, meeting someone new can be exciting, thrilling, all emotions running all over your body, then we say it is love at first sight. But it isn't just a moment.

At the early stage of a relationship, all we feel are butterflies in our bellies, enjoying and savoring every moment like it's never going to end, wrapped in each other’s company, feeling all the kisses and romance.

We so much believe it's easy to come by and easy to meet the right person, falling into our arms when we need them. But it's more complicated than that, because it has to be actions, learning, finding oneself to know who what you want and how someone can fit into what you want and the pattern of your life.



Finding the right person doesn't come easy and when it does, it isn't about to bodies meeting for cuddles, kisses, for jokes, dates, it's simply learning to accept and appreciate them and make them feel comfortable, welcome, and making them your home not just finding it, and striving every day to keep that home, overcoming obstacles, conflicts and grow together.

Love should be pushing each other to achieve goals, dreams to become bigger than better, and discovering you.

Love to me means being able to make sacrifices, making someone happy at the cost of your happiness. There are thousands of meanings to what love is, and I believe they all end in sacrifices.

The sacrifice you make in a relationship or the family tends to define how you feel in the relationship or the family. And a majority of the sacrifices to be made comes from the men, because we deprive ourselves of so many things to make our loved ones happy, payment of bills, providing for food, shopping for our wives or girlfriends, maintenance of the house, etc. This falls on the shoulder of the men.



My reason for this topic is simply to know if the sacrifice men make is worth it all in the name of love. Let's take the case of the family, the family is the pillar of your growth, they stood behind you in times of need when you had nothing and nurtured you to be the person who we are today, so it's our responsibility to return the favor and take care of them when we are capable to do so, no matter is little the contribution is to their well-being.

Now for the girlfriends, being in love or relationship isn't a job and shouldn't be tasking. Loving someone means you decide to support in times of need, care for them, be there for them, be their warmth and best buddy. It shouldn't be a dependent relationship when you have to task the guy to pay your bills and also the bills of external bodies (families), it should be a decision and not a compulsory responsibility.

Let's take an example

Now a guy earns $100 a month, and he has to spend more than what he earns on his family and he made him live on loan. His living is now based on paying back loans and providing for himself and his Family along with his girlfriend, which can become a burden.

It shouldn't be demanding and stressing but accepting, that’s why some people believe being single is better than being in a relationship because they don’t have the mental capacity to deal with the burden of another person or are financially stable to cater for themselves and another person.


Personally, the only way a burden can be accepted is In of marriage, there’s nothing like a burden because a vow and an oath have been taken to carry every responsibility and be there for each other so there’s no need to be bothered about additional or excess responsibilities.

The couples have to be each other’s pillar of support, in terms of bills in terms of rent bill, electricity bill, water bill, etc. Not just on one person alone.

So it's love really a burden and demanding?


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