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A friend I miss


attentionneeded395.683 years agoPeakD6 min read



Friends are people who comfort you, who stand by you in difficulties, support you in whatever goals you wish to achieve, they can come in form of family, strangers, or someone you grow up with. Irrespective of having a bad intention for you or good intentions they play a role and impact something in our life. Along sometimes we don’t get to spend forever with them, they come and they go in a different situation or some circumstances.
Being an introvert made me lack in having new friends or having friends except for the ones I grew up with or the ones that were in my department. They say it’s good to have few friends and a small circle because too many friends are bad, but I think even though they are right in some way it’s good to also meet new people, explore and see what you are lacking either in ideas or in life in general because I feel if you are stuck in just one circle of friends you will be limited to so many things. After all, along the line the friends who you claim to have that is okay for might not even be able to help in times of struggle.

It was the year 2018, on a cold morning, out for the usual parade and everyone was standing in their platoon group assigned to them, all shivering cold because it was 5 in the morning and the weather was not friendly especially when it’s winter up in the north here and as it is in every northern country. When the sun came up after the usual exercise and parade, my eyes came across a beautiful lady right across me and all I could is stare speechless, all I could think of or wish for was just to go over to her and say hi but my introvert silly ass just kept still and I watched her walk away.


Three days on, still searching or hoping to come across her again but it wasn’t going to be easy because we were hundreds of people in the camp and the probability of coming across the same person twice is very slim. All I wanted and what my mission is was just to find her and just be her friend because anything further than that might scare her away or on the second thought was she might already have a knight in shining armor because of her cuteness. But still, I hoped that I could just see her one last time and just tell her how I feel and this was me thinking have left my shyness behind and gathered all the courage in the world.


Given up the search because I couldn’t find her, disappointed and sad, walking down towards a shop to get a drink because of the stress and was already exhausted, there she was too, drinking a chilled coke and all sweaty and tired too, I knew that was the perfect opportunity to talk to her, I asked her why she was all sweaty and tired, she responded that the weather is hot and she has been looking for someone and I told her likewise too and we both smiled because it was as if we both knew you we were searching and faith brought us together to that moment or place.

From then on we exchanged contacts after talking for hours and sharing information, we became close but the problem we faced was the limited time we had left in the camp and the distance between us outside the camp, we just had to make time for ourselves anytime we see after morning exercise and parade, hangout, talked for hours and wished it never end, we even made plans for outside the camp to see again and to be assigned to the same state for work so we can be together but life is a b*tch. When the posting came out, we were separated and she was in tears, and there was nothing we could do but just make use of the time left in the camp.

Along the line, I invited her to my state where I was posted, paid for her expenses, and took her around the state for sightseeing and just spend time with her because that was the only break she had from work, so why not just spend it together. She was working in a hospital and most of the time there isn’t free time for her, now that she was free, had to invite her over and spend time with her. She was really happy and even wanted to stay back and just be with me but duty calls.

When she went back to her state, we could only talk in voice and video calls, and chat all day but it wasn’t enough because there’s nothing like having a physical conversation, with the person by your side and feeling the warmth of the moment and laugh. So we started drifting, both started getting busy and communication stopped, from every day became once in two days, in a week, to once in a month and to just happy birthdays and that’s all till we lost contacts.

Earlier today, I came across an old email and decided to export contacts from it and I suddenly came across her contact, immediately I called her, she was so shocked and happy that she has been searching for my contact too because she came to my town a certain time to see her friend and wanted to see me too but she didn’t have my contact, we talked for long and apologized for the lost communication and decided to stay in touch again, well let’s hope it goes well though. She decided to update me too with her current picture and trust me she was different from when we first met and we talked about fun memories and things we miss.


She is amazing and free-spirited with a good sense of humor, every time with her wasn’t wasted and it was worth it, I do hope I get to see her again and talk and laugh because I do enjoy her company so much and I know some of us have been in the same shoe like this before.


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