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athulyakj4.573 years agoPeakD5 min read


# 10 Common Skincare Mistakes and How to Avoid Each

1.You’ve Got Exfoliation All Wrong

I love a great scrub and exfoliating is an important step in every skin care routine! It helps to shed dead skin cells and pave the way for healthier, new cells. But, no matter if you’re applying a scalp scrub, lip scrub, hand scrub, foot scrub, or body scrub – you have to do it in moderation!

I know, I know, I know with so much to love about scrubs it’s tempting to do them too often. However, exfoliating anything more than two or three times a week is not a good idea. Why? Exfoliating too often can buff away your top layer of healthy skin. (ouch)

2.Facial Wipes are Your BFF

If you are mainly using facial wipes to clean your face every day, then you are making skincare mistake number two. Facial wipes can do a fair job and they are handy. But, they are not great for our environment since they create more waste. They can be really irritating to your skin depending on the ingredients too. And if this all you are doing for skin than it’s going to show!
Instead, opt for a gentle face wash in the evening like my favorite aloe vera face wash and purifying toner in the morning to cleanse and restore balance to the skin.

3.You’re Blindly Choosing Products

Honestly, do you think you’ll ever enjoy great skin if you don’t pay attention to the ingredients in your products? OK, that was my mom’s voice talking – but, hey, someone’s got to look out for the health of your skin.If you’ve been making this common skincare mistake, my best advice is to start with knowing your skin type. Without this vital piece of information, you’ll be unable to choose ingredients and products suited for your skin type. Take our Skin Type Quiz to begin getting to know your skin better now.

4.You’re Using Too Much Product

Even if you’ve begun to choose products for your skin type – you may be using too much! Just like coffee and wine, too much of a good thing is NOT GOOD. In nearly all cases when it comes to skin care products a pea-size amount is enough to get the job done. Anything more is not only a waste but can give you unwanted results like oily skin from too much moisturizer or itchy, raw skin from too much exfoliating.

5.You Constantly Skip Sunscreen

I’ll be the first to admit, I have been terrible about this. While I don’t let my daughter even step outside without sunscreen. I rarely apply to myself. Which is terrible because sunscreen should be our first and biggest defense against early aging!

Nowadays, I make it easier on myself and apply sunscreen in the morning during my skincare routine. It’s really just one little step before you put on your makeup that can make all the difference. Rather you opt to DIY your sunscreen or purchase it, make sure it’s safe for our coral reefs like this one.
6.You are Changing Your Products to Often

I know a lot of women make this skincare mistake. It happens all too easily when someone goes out and purchases a whole new line of skincare products. They’ve likely heard all kinds of good things about it and feel amazing buying them. Then just a few days after swapping out everything their skin looks and feels worse than ever!

The problem is if you change too much at once you’ll never know what is working and what’s not. We talk about why this is not good for your skin in depth in Clean Beauty School.

7.You NEVER Clean your Makeup Brushes

Makeup brushes hold on to more than blush and powder such as bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells. Keeping brushes clean it a must! This DIY makeup brush cleaner and makeup brush cleaning mat make it super easy to keep things clean.

Clean brushes not only keep you from grinding old makeup residue and gunk into our skin but help you achieve a more flawless makeup application. So, give them a good scrub once a week.

8.You Only Moisturize at Night

Raise your hand if you are guilty of this common skincare mistake too? I used to have the thought that applying a moisturizer in the morning would make my skin oily and my makeup look bad.

It turns out the opposite is true! Applying a lightweight moisturizer a few minutes before applying makeup can actually make it go on smoother. And incorporating a little moisturizing into your routine can stop your skin from drying out and producing more oil during the day.

9.Your Morning Skin Care Routine is NonExistent

If the first thing you put on your face in the morning is makeup your skin is really missing out!! Your skin deserves more than only taking care of it before bed. While a nightly skin care routine is crucial to removing buildup, excess oil, and the like before you sleep – a morning routine is important too. If you’ve been making this skincare mistake, start with a quick swipe of hydrating toner in the morning. And if you woke up to puffy eyes give those bags a morning jolt of caffeine with coffee eye cream known to reduce eye puffiness and dark circles.

10.Wearing Lipstick Frequently Without Exfoliating

Applying lipstick multiple times a day can increase the chance of other problems such as flaky or cracked lips and then essentially highlight it. So give your lips a little love by adding a simple lip scrub to your skin care routine. Lip scrubs shed dead skin cells and help your lipstick stay on longer.

Thankyou 🥰


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