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All the world's a stage all the symbolism surrounding Kobe Bryant and other Legends like Kurt Cobain, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington and all the Signs Hollywood and the music industry show us, but many refuse to acknowledge. Another Wake Up call?


artistiquejewels28.545 years agoSteemit9 min read



I want to thank Agent Leon for sharing this link with me. Will summarize what it encompassed. If you wish you can scroll down a bit to the link to see right away.

I am creating still shots in a Facebook Frames of Signs, Symbols and All the World's a stage.

Hear it from legends of the music and entertainment industry!
Will put the link to this well done video in the comment section of Original Post.


Some great work from this channel giving an overall look into what it takes to reach the level of success people like Kobe Bryant reach.

What is required? What is demanded to reach each level?

What do they constantly signal? How do they signal?


What is their code? Do they have to tell you in advance what they (The Elites, those in control) are doing before they do it to you and if the general population isn't using their Eyes to See. ..deserved because Controllers did their part, they Told You and you weren't Wide Awake with Eyes Wide open rather than Eyes Wide Shut to know or care enough about the reality around you to know?

  • So they told you Cobain would die by shooting himself.
  • They showed you a hanging of Chris Cornell then said he committed suicide by hanging which happened within a few months of his friend, Chester Bennington.




When Kurt Cobain killed himself the drummer became. . .

Foo Fighters. ..We all Pretend. ..Keep you in the Dark
What was a Foo Fighter during WWII?
Why do they call areas of wars Theaters? Is it all a show? I'm not saying a "show" by the courageous officers. . .do Elites push it for their own profits because it IS a show for them?

Look at some of the lyrics to Pretender

In time or so I'm told
I'm just another soul for sale, oh well
The page is out of print
We are not permanent, we're
Temporary, temporary
Same old story

How about the signaling of The Titan, then there was the sinking of the Titanic?

See evidence of what shows up over and over and apparently Has shown up for some time now. Many of these movies and this music I have never heard, but I suppose it is part of their entertainment culture! They use their signs and symbols as they entertain.

Too much to mention in the Facebook Frame photos you can see below and More in the video clip in comment section which is under 13 min. and a Must See when you get a chance!

Here is the video from Russianvids
Kobe Bryant & The Predictive Programming - The Undeniable Proof World Events Are Scripted


#KobeBryant, #LadyGaga, #StefaniJoanneAngelinaGermanotta, #KurtCobain, #ChrisCornell, #ChesterBennington, #FooFighters, #ThePretender, #GuardiansOfChildren

This post originated on FB here if you want to see comments

Here is another with interesting comments from the day Kobe Bryant was confirmed dead by a local source and I put up info of a prior hoax, signaling and the comedy central cartoon on his crash from November 17, 2016


Sources and Connecting Articles,

An article with pertaining screenshots and links gathered on the day he died,






Bringing this in Right where they use this Staged wrestling event to signal Twin Towers, Wresting event and even talk about a Terrorist attack while using the Highway to Hell song and depicting the twin towers falling in their opening. What is Really odd is those who claim to be "educated" and seem to feel superior to those who "think for themselves" don't ever have One Word to say about evidence like this showing the "powers that be" Knew in advance and signaled a disastrous event. I guess Pride really does come before the fall. That is their choice if they would rather feel superior and right rather than acknowledge Truth!

Bringing this clip in right where the run a section of the Long Kiss Goodnight from 1996 where they mention the C_a in connection with 9/11. He even speaks of the Terrorist visa being C_a. This is interesting because they have been pouring through cases related to this in Military Court!

Thank you for the following link Melissa LeBoutillier! Will be sharing out Today! There is a reason they are trying to control the narrative, scrubbing links and attempting to get people to only focus on What they Want people to see and think!


Thank you for this following link Joan Hastings as it is Always wise to be prepared. As you all know China. . .heavily censors it's people and what is allowed to be said. People have been jailed just for trying to warn others.


If you ever wonder whether you're being lied to just go here and see how so much is Staged and reproduced!



Concerning about Kobe working with Bill Clinton in the Clinton Initiative for making sports accessible to all kids. Sounds great up front, and I never dismiss he may not have known all the Clintons have been involved in as the cabal does their best to shield the Clintons of their known criminal behavior since their Arkansas days. They have left behind a trail of destructions!

For Chinese connections this is concerning.

For globalist reach and the current situation with the Coronavirus and the likelihood Now a vaccine will be pushed this gives pause.


Updated for connecting sources which tie into the fact that Kobe had the same attorney as the Ramsey's in the JonBenet case. Have stated this in some other articles, but it very important. John Ramsey tied to Serco as evidenced by McConnell here who has been working on government corruption for decades and has insider info due to a family member.


These articles talk about a back door into virtually every device and every transport craft whether it be air, auto or otherwise.

It's how they can control virtually any aspect and as you know, they place people into every sector and industry. ..think banking, schools, churches, law enforcement, security. . .you get the idea. They do so locally , then branch out regionally, nationally all the way to the top levels of government which encompasses a global scale/network.

Don't forget, Hillary was not a child advocate lawyer, as a matter of fact she got a guy in Arkansas off for raping a 12 year old and was caught on tape laughing about it. I think even CNN dealt with that back when they used to do Some actual reporting. Anyhow she dealt primarily in intellectual property and patent infringement law. This became the backbone of control by obtaining patents and shutting anyone down who could challenge them or be a threat. It's all here and ties together to show how it is all connected in these two dives I did a while back.



I came across another researchers work that is quite good showing the applications of the QRS11 chip in transport. . .including helicopters. I don't for one second believe they Only limit this to military grade vehicles. They have already proven they overstep their bounds and collect our data, surveil 24/7, so why would they decide they have a moral compass or a line on This chip that allows them to tap into the auto pilot system, basically shut down access for control with an uninterruptible auto system they can digitally control remotely?

I know my friends and family who had worked on vehicles when I was little have said, most new vehicles they have no clue what is going on and they have to be taken in because so much is computerized now. With this kind of a chip that is a pretty scary thing. Brings a whole new light to the Loretta Fuddy case, the cop that went down investigating the Franklin Cover up with No explanation and various other crashes like the one in the Ukraine from China a few years back.

This following article is stellar and I asked him if he knew which helicopter Kobe was flying as I know he had a helicopter himself with Military grade applications.


The Washington Examiner states,

Kobe Bryant's helicopter pilot was warned by the flight tower that the aircraft needed to fly higher before it hit a mountain, killing everyone aboard.

"Two Echo X-ray, you are still too low for flight following at this time," the flight tower said. The tail number of Bryant's helicopter was N72EX. The 41 year-old NBA legend perished along with his 13 year-old daughter in the crash.




NYP states,

Kobe used a chopper to play a trick on Pelinka, the LA Times reported in 2017.

Bryant had the pilot do military maneuvers on the chopper with Pelinka on board, and even turn the engine off in midair.

“My life was flashing before my eyes,” Pelinka told the newspaper. “I almost had a heart attack. Kobe’s just sitting there calm and collected.”
Photo in this article above,


Photo taken from this Excellent source showing how it is applied to craft and transport,


A must read,


This was interesting also,

Another source,

Someone on a pedogate board on FB showed me this video. Another Real eye opener especially for those who thought Kobe Bryant wasn't involved in this. . .



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