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Covid, A Ghastly Head Cold & My Almost-Instant Natural Remedy


artemislives9 K5 years agoPeakD6 min read

I was in despair. A horrible head cold came on, thanks to Miss 16 being back at school (finally!) full time on top of a tough, emotional week. Social distancing in class scrapped after almost 5 months of online and strict rules and, voila!, more than 60% of the class came down with a bad cold immediately in the first week back.

"I think my immune system musts have got a bit lazy all these months" Sorry!, said Miss 16 apologetically.

I stayed home for the day on Tuesday, did all the gentle things and rested and hydrated etc and honestly, I felt worse. My nose was literally dripping, although at the same time congested. Bit of a chesty cough starting and a sore throat. Malaise, fatigue, headache and couldn't breathe when I lay down despite the dripping nose factor. No fever, but I felt just awful. Everything ached and I had no energy.


I'm not sure what was worse: (1) the actual bad head cold itself, (2) arguing with people (like my anxious mother) that NO, I DO NOT NEED A COVID TEST! (Thailand 13 weeks now with ZERO Covid community transmission cases) and (3) the social crisis this presented in terms of a looming business meeting on Wednesday morning. You see, having a cold in the Covid-19 era is akin to leprosy in the middle ages. One small sneeze in the convenience store and people back away as if you are holding a machine gun, despite the fact that there is a perspex screen between you AND you're wearing a mask.

My Wednesday morning Thai conference is a formal event, and is compounded by the fact that blowing your nose is a serious cultural faux pas in Thailand. It's considered an utterly filthy western habit. When Thai people are sick, they wear a mask or stay home. Period. Only I couldn't stay home cos I had some important new business riding on this conference, and we have been 5 months with almost no income.


So there I was on Tuesday evening, 6.30pm. Unsure what to do and #hivechat start imminent. And so I made a 1.5 liter jug of fresh ginger, fresh lime and honey, all of which I drank during the #hivechat.

How did I make that? I boiled 6 big slices of fresh ginger in some water, removed the ginger pieces and added 4 big tablespoons of raw honey. When it was dissolved, I added room temperature water to cool it to lukewarm, and then added the juice of 12 big whole limes!!

I drank it all over 90 mins.

And then at 11pm, standing in the kitchen, I had an idea.

I got a small shot glass (this one is a souvenir from our Thai cousin's wedding) and put in about 15 mls of pure cold pressed virgin coconut oil. To which I added 6 drops of pure Oil of Oregano. Industrial dosage!!

Oil of Oregano is hard to buy in Thailand. My friend Dano, owner of Maxx Nutrition in Seattle, always brings me a few bottles of the one on the left. The small bottle on the right is a MUCH higher quality, and comes from a small organic distillery in Crete. It's the one I used last night.

And I slugged it down, followed by a small teaspoon of honey to kill the really strong taste. Followed by a big glass of water. And I went to bed.

I didn't sleep very long due to the late #hivechat, was stunned to wake this morning after less than 6 hours of rest feeling very much better. More than well enough to get through my conference without even a snuffle or a cough. You can still HEAR that I'm a weeny bit congested, but that's all. Nasal symptoms 90% gone after 12 hours. Chesty cough gone. Sore throat gone. Checked and no fever whatsoever.

Caution: Oil of Oregano should never be ingested undiluted (it burns mucous membranes) and should also only be diluted in oil for that reason.

Does clinical science support using Oil of Oregano for flu and head colds?? Oh yes.

A 2019 laboratory study investigated the antiviral properties of an essential oil blend of oregano, thyme, and salvia. The researchers tested the effectiveness of the oil blend against the following respiratory tract viruses:
rhinovirus, which causes the common cold
influenza or “flu” viruses
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
adenovirus 5
The essential oil blend was not effective against RSV or adenovirus 5. However, it did show strong antiviral activity against rhinovirus, and two out of three strains of influenza.
However, this study investigated the oils in a test dish and not a human body. As such, it is unclear whether the blend would kill a cold or flu virus in a person.
While the 2019 study found that essential oregano oil in a blend was not effective against adenovirus 5, a 2016 review notes that it may be effective against adenovirus 3.
Adenoviruses cause a range of illnesses, including sore throat, and other cold-like symptoms. Source

We can't always stay home and there ARE times when a heavy dose of something is warranted; it's good to know there ARE natural cold & flu options other than just chemical cold & flu capsules & paracetamol.

I've just downed another big jug of ginger-lime-honey while I scribble this post, and taken a much milder dose of Oregano Oil (only 2 drops this time, also again in about 15ml of pure coconut oil).

If the idea of slugging down coconut oil with oregano oil doesn't appeal, you CAN add the oil mixture to a banana smoothie with some coconut milk to make it easier. Me? Hard core! 😆

Feel MUCH BETTER. Grateful for natural medicine alternatives!

Disclaimer. This article is NOT medical advice, and a sharing of personal experience only. Consultation with a licensed natural practitioner is advised if you need medical care.


All images used in my posts are created and owned by myself, unless specifically sourced. If you wish to use my images or my content, please contact me.


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