I Guess I am a meme now
Yesterday I spent around 16 hours learning JavaScript, I was tired as hell and my body ached in parts I didn't even know they existed. Even though I have alarms set every 2 hours to drink some water, stretch my legs and back, and go outside to get five minutes of sun and exercise my eyesight (the oculist said that I should stare at different places with different distances so my eyes get some work), yesterday was brutal, but since I was on such a good streak, I overreached and overworked myself, and even then I went to bed full of satisfaction and back cramps.
It's only 6 hours later that I am waking up (by myself, no alarms, I haven't used an alarm in forever) and I am writing this because I don't want to miss the point of this post. I am only doing it because right before I went to bed and to get my mind off the coding (which was no use, I ended up dreaming about Chess and JS Loops, a pretty anxious dream if you ask me), so I went into my usual meme website and I stumbled upon a meme that I remember perfectly but I just stored it on the back of my mind and it is only now that I saw it again that I realized...
A couple of years ago when the Covid shenanigans began we all experienced lockdowns, freedoms were taken from us, and the job market plummeted. No matter where you are from, we all experienced these things at a different level and some countries will take five to ten years to recover from this social and economic re-engineering charade (if they ever recover).
In the US, due to the economic crisis, layoffs were on the next corner and people knew about it. One of the first job markets that plummeted was mining (not crypto, real mineral mining) not only because of the Covid measures but also because of Joe Biden's energetic policies that directly affected the coal mining business.
Thousands of people lost their job overnight and that was just the beginning of a snowball effect that would affect everyone in that country. Miners were desperate and with no job options but, since everything is political (everywhere) and since the coal mines and the whole energy topic was a big issue between former president Trump and current president Biden, this energetic reform was considered a win for the left, no matter whom it affected.
The media which is almost under control of the left didn't hesitate to write about this social and economic issue and their reply to all these miners who couldn't support their families anymore, was that they needed to "learn to code". Mining is a thing of the past, these miners need to acquire new skills, and the future is in coding and digital mining, not physical mining. I mean, it can't be that hard right? They should just change professions now that their job market is on the verge of disappearing, it doesn't matter what their current skills are and how old they are. Learn to code, miners.
But then, a few months later and once the real economic repercussions of the Covid measures really settled and the economy collapsed, one of the professions that took a huge hit was journalism in the United States. There was simply not enough money to sustain a big payroll across all the online and physical news business, especially when a big chunk of these reporters made a living writing about frugal, trivial, superfluous and irrelevant topics.
And the rest of the story, is just made up of memes...
Now, if you made it til this point, you might be wondering why am I a meme?
Well, over the past two months I decided to change careers and leave the finance and marketing job market because I want to develop my own apps on Hive instead of depending on money influx and other people's coding skills. Why? Well I have no money to hire anyone, but I have tons of ideas and I know how to market them and how to compose an economic ecosystem that works, but every time I want to get someone on board into one of these ideas, the response (which is more than obvious and understandable) is that they can't work in exchange of future revenue; I mean, I get it, I wouldn't do that also, so my answer to myself to that situation was that I should learn2code.
And I've been doing it, and I am loving every step of the process.
So, I guess I am a meme now. Guess I'll die.
Now, before you ask or begin pointing fingers, think about this for a second.
We are both blogging and consuming content on an obscure, digital money-generating, anti establishment, pseudo-anarchy supporting, deep web money laundering related, taxation-is-theft promulgating, inflation-kills-economies believing, conspiracy-theories accepting, self-definition living, off-grid mentality acquired, North Korean crotchet weaving, revolutionary mindset thinking, ecosystem.
So, as I said, before you start pointing fingers at political stances, think of what I just said above.