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The whole value of rare metals on earth.


anna8974.02last year2 min read


The value of rare metals on Earth is a complex issue that depends on several factors, including their abundance, supply and demand, and technological applications. Some of the most valuable rare metals include gold, platinum, silver, palladium, and rhodium. These metals have unique properties, such as high thermal and electrical conductivity, that make them indispensable in various industries such as electronics, jewelry, and automotive.

Gold, for example, has been a valuable metal for thousands of years, and it is still widely used in the jewelry industry, as well as a store of value in investment portfolios. The annual demand for gold is estimated to be around 3,000 tons, with a value of over $100 billion. Gold is also used in electronics and dentistry due to its non-reactivity and high conductivity.

Platinum is another valuable rare metal, widely used in the automotive industry as a catalytic converter to reduce harmful emissions from cars. Platinum is also used in jewelry, as well as in the production of electronic components, fuel cells, and medical equipment. With a limited supply and increasing demand, the value of platinum has risen in recent years, with the price per ounce fluctuating between $900 and $1,200.

Silver is another widely used rare metal, with applications in electronics, photography, and solar panels. The metal is also used in the production of coins, jewelry, and silverware. With a current price of around $25 per ounce, the total value of silver in the world is estimated to be in the trillions of dollars.

Palladium is another rare metal, widely used in the production of electronic components and dental fillings, as well as in jewelry and investment portfolios. The metal has a high melting point and is highly resistant to corrosion, making it ideal for various industrial applications. With a current price of around $2,500 per ounce, the total value of palladium in the world is estimated to be in the billions of dollars.

Rhodium is a rare metal with a silvery-white color and high reflectivity. It is widely used in the automotive industry as a catalytic converter, as well as in the production of electronic components, glass, and jewelry. With a current price of around $30,000 per ounce, the total value of rhodium in the world is estimated to be in the billions of dollars.

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