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Cinnamon tea to relieve menstrual pain - A wise grandmother's advice


amatorrs925.107 months agoPeakD3 min read



I have no taboo to talk about how much we women can suffer from menstruation, let alone mood swings, migraines and so on. Although today's post is not exactly about this, well, it is related.

I am in that week where I just want to hide and that the world ends, different parts of my body hurt and I just want to cry hahaha, this time my menstruation was accompanied by a very strong pain in the belly so much so that it took me a long time to get out of bed, the pain was so bad that I lasted almost two hours in the same position because of the pain.

My grandmother as a good lady of infusions and teas recommended (forced me haha) to prepare a cinnamon tea to relieve the pain. At first I didn't understand what the cinnamon did that could help me, but after a talk by my grandmother, by the way, very long, about how the hot cinnamon tea relieves menstrual pains, I still couldn't make sense of it hahaha.





I remembered that a long time ago I had been given a box of Herbi, which is a recognized brand of herbal teas and teas, just this is Cinnamon and Cloves (excuse the ugliness of the box, the poor thing traveled with me and was crushed with my belongings) so avoiding my grandmother to make a crazy recipe I preferred to trust Herbi.

I did some research on the subject, and cinnamon has certain pain relieving properties, I didn't find too much, only that it is highly recommended for it. Honestly... I don't know what magic it is, but as my grandmother says; holy remedy. The relief was so great that I almost cried with joy, I really felt very bad and this contributed so much to my well being that I decided to tell about it. I will trust more in my grandmother and her recommendations without scientific basis hahaha. I also recommend the Herbi brand, I love most of the teas I have tried from them.





I tell you that, drinking coffee at night (it doesn't take away my sleep, but it calms my anxiety hehe), finishing a task, I don't know where I left my blue mug that you always see in my posts, I walked so much around the house that now I can't find it and that's why the change while I get it. I want to apologize for my face in the pictures, when I'm in this state of pain and crazy emotions I don't sleep very well, besides I wear my most comfortable pajamas, if you didn't notice it ok! Skip what I said hahahaha.




Text translated at DeepL translate
Image edited by me in Polish
images of my property


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