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Taxes and their evils


alther70.762 months agoHive.Blog2 min read

The thing that is the enemy for the people's who want the absolute power. That is greed, unstoppable and also unpredictable. In relation to tax issues, not only one party is the perpetrator of the crime of the existence of tax problems, because it can be from the taxpayer and can also be from the tax worker himself.


The main of the two is the same. Greed, but lately since crypto has grown and developed unnatural things have returned from the existence of what is said to be tax. At first as an excuse because it could arise from money laundering problems to avoid taxpayers.

Surprisingly, more and more regulations are present in the form of crypto being taxed. It is stupid and strange at the same time funny to say that decentralized crypto with the concept of freedom is ultimately taxed. Instead of protecting the crime problem of the security of everything born from crypto crime, it requires taxes on its users.

There seems to be a problem of not wanting to be left behind, fall behind and leave behind. That's how the law enforcement process works. In essence, they are just looking for income for their share of what was previously untouchable. Which in the end shows the rottenness of the existing legal world. Defects are not repaired but the area is further expanded.


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