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Crushing The Hopes And Dreams With A Beautiful Smile | Over 14k Heal and 10k Damage With The Beautiful Villainess | They Were Amazing players But We Were Just Better

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allama4.3 K22 days agoPeakD4 min read

Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well today.


Moira is a character that I feel that it reflects the inner version of the player. You could go full aggressive and damage all the players while healing yourself or heal your teammates and do occasional damage to refill the healing tank.
After much searching, I discovered a battle that I had forgotten to share, that was completely insane and extremely well fought by both parties. This was before I had reached the diamond leagues, it was in the Platinum II league and this one helped me reach Plat I.
Through this, I've also concluded that Moira has to be the best character in the game in terms of versatility. One moment she could be seen healing her folks and the next she zips through the enemy line and damages them while their backs are turned.

This is my second-greatest play with Moira of all time.

So, without further ado, let's begin.


The Arena


The place was at Junkertown, a map with a straightforward outlook and fewer connecting points from one location to the other. The only teammate I had was Joshyiiii, a fellow healer.

The major issue was not that I did not have party members on my side, it was that my known associates in the game were on the opposition side. Qsterious was a seriously good tank, Inflikted was a badass DPS, Ryft was a good player overall and Prop was a friend who did not join my party and was now against me. So, I was against 4 known players who were good at what they do and I only had 1 known good player on me.




After the first round ended, I had mediocre stats compared to the entire lobby's stats. Our team's healing was relatively lower than the opposition's.


It was my team's turn to push the payload. I checked my stats in between plays and found that I died twice and killed 6 times, that's a K/D of 3. Moreover, my overall stats were getting better than their healers as well.


By the end of the second round, I had over 19 stats with 11.5k healing done. I died only twice in the entire round and had 14 kills. This was the highest stats in the whole lobby yet my healing was 500 shy than Prop's.


My overall stats were higher than everyone in the lobby as I had over 21k stats. The enemy tank had the highest kill, then me and the enemy DPS. This time I did not die and had 5 kills. My biotic orb kills were 14 and coalescence efficiency was not above 50% when it came to healing my teammates.

They were playing well, almost made me think that they would push the payload to its destination once again. Yet, somehow our tank managed to finish off their healer and DPS, thus their entire structure fell.


In the final moments, it went to overtime where we finally managed to finish off their party and got the victory.

I was too excited to view the stats since we won the round after some extreme measures and risks. So, I calculated it using simple math.

The game lasted for a total of 16 minutes of gameplay with 4 minutes wasted on changing sides and selecting characters.
Before the last round, the game was at 17:30 where over 2 minutes was wasted, which comes to 11 damage and 15 healing per second.
Following the same trend:
 The round lasted for about 1 minute and 30 seconds. That way, I would have about 1338 healing and 1013 damage. I also used my ultimate and instantly healed my mates and did damage so my estimated damage and healing has to be a bit lower than the actual damage and healing done.
As for the kills, I'm going to assume that I had gotten all 5 of them since I did help my team kill them all... so that comes to 39 kills and 27 assists which was the second-highest in the entire lobby.

Hence, my overall damage would've been over 10k and healing would be over 14k making a total stats of over 24k with 39 kills and 27 assists.


The Gameplay



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