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Vegetative organization of the subway portion of maize plants


agrovision794.902 years ago3 min read

Before going into the subject, it is important to clarify that plants have two important systems, one aerial: the caulinar and the other subway: the radicular. The aerial portion includes organs such as leaves, shoots, flowers, and fruits. The root portion includes those parts of the plant that are below ground level.

▶ Credits: Thestar – [Image of Public Domain]


▶ Credits: sciencedirect – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Maize seedlings are visible above ground when they have three leaves, although their growing points are still underground. At this stage the plant shows a vigorous growth which originates in a single growth point that is the apical meristem; all parts of the maize stem, both vegetative and reproductive, are produced from this meristem. The stem consists of four basic structures: the internodes, the leaves, the prophyll, and the bud or apical meristem, which are collectively known as the phytomere. In this order of ideas, the number of phytomers produced during the vegetative phase of development is regulated by both genetic and environmental factors.

When the plant has six open leaves, the growing point and the ear primordium have already surpassed the soil surface. Internodes begin to elongate rapidly and the plant goes through a period of rapid growth and elongation. In general, in the tropics the growing season is not limited by the temperature regime. Tropical maize plants therefore produce a greater number of larger leaves than plants in temperate zones.

The variation in the total number of leaves is more affected by the time of ear initiation than by the variation in the rate of leaf initiation. The gene for leafiness prolongs vegetative stem growth, delays spike and ear initiation, and increases leaf number differently in different environments.

▶ Credits: agriland – [Image of Public Domain]

In tropical maize there is great variation in plant height, number of leaves, and their size and orientation. In general, tropical maize is a tall, leafy plant with excessive vegetative growth. The general structure of the plant has an important effect on its productivity, and tropical maize has a much lower harvest index than temperate zone maize.

NOTE: Reference material.

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